This is a reference for Marian Ancuta

role and place of youth worker in supporting youth initiatives

The training activity took place
in Ptuj, Slovenia
organised by European Network of Animation
21-30 september 2007
Reference person

Pieter Jan Uyttersprot

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

In this Tc, we've aimed to encourage the participants to think critically about youth work in Europe: aims and objectives; Methods of working; Support networks and Resources,to identify the contents and steps of supporting youth initiatives and to build the tools to put it in practice, to learn about different concrete tools to organise youth projects, focusing on the opportunities of the youth program, and to motivate and help them to create projects together.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The project adressed to trainers in youthfield, youthworkers, youth leaders, coach, volunteers. We had 27 participants from 11 countries: France, Italy, Cyprus, Turkey, Bulgaria, Romania, Macedonia, Spain, Slovenia, Belgium and Poland.
In the same time in the team we were 3 trainers from Romania, France and Poland.

Training methods used & main activities

The methods used in our trainings were based on non-formal education and action-research approaches with a special focus on the triangle “theory – analyse – transfert”. This means that we want to build direct relations between our daily concrete practices and some theoratical approaches.
We wanted also through active methods to promote the full participation and involvment of the participants.
We followed a certain process:
- individual reflexion of the participants about their professional realities
- collective work about local diagnostic
- individual level of appropriation back of the knowledge

Outcomes of the activity

As we were using as much as possible also the informal time, in the end we had 6 frames of future projects that hopefully will be put in practice by the participants. In the same time we clarified the distinction youth worker-animator-social worker, having as reper to continue our youthwork in the territory.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

As specific tasks for me during the training: team building activities, workshop on Active Youth participation, Portrait of youhworker and cooperation activities.

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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