This is a reference for Marga Veron Jarque

RISE Resources for Improving Social inclusion and Equality, based on applied entrepreneurial competences

The training activity took place
in Port of Sagunt, Comunidad Valenciana, Spain
organised by Emprende Empleo European Network
1st -7th September 2019

Aims & objectives

The objectives of the project are:

1. Offer practical tools to improve social employability and entrepreneurial skills in projects that support inclusion, diversity, equality.

2. Support the professional and personal development of young workers and youth trainers.

3. Provide information and applicability on the Entrecomp and Digcomp competency framework.

4. Publicize the priorities Horizon 2020, Sustainable Development Goals; and develop social inclusion initiatives in these areas.

5.Provide useful tools and methods to use with the young people with whom you work, in international work with young people and within the framework of ERASMUS + and the European Solidarity Corps.

6. Into Action: Explore and develop new initiatives for social entrepreneurship and employability in youth work.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Participating countries: Greece, Lithuania, Netherlands, Albania, Armenia, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Italy, Portugal and Spain
Number of participants: 25 (2 from each country; 3 from Portugal, 4 from Spain)

- trainers/facilitators/educators with experience of non-formal or formal education activities, youth work, youth employability and entrepreneurship or other areas that are related to the topic of our training.
- experience as a trainer and/or coordinator of a team of trainers in international and intercultural youth work activities.
- Knowledge about Erasmus+, the work of NAs and SALTO-YOUTH Resource Centres.
- intermediate level of English (understanding, speaking, writing).
The participants were all trainers and youth workers acquainted with European programs among them with the Erasmus+. The vast majority was highly motivated and eager to contribute and share ideas, knowledge and skills with others. They have participated in the debates, work groups, presentations and reflections. Networking and creating durable partnerships was a stimulating factor from personal and professional side.

Training methods used & main activities

The activities consist dynamic and creative workshops, which have aim to raise the awareness of diversity, equality and inclusion, and promotion of social entrepreneurship.
The activities are mainly for the education of youth workers trainers and facilitators using, the method of non-formal education. Since the project is about also the empowerment of intellectual capacities, through educational process, the methodology matches the objectives of the project and activities itself.
The activities of the project are complexed so it starts from the basics general and very specific, meaning that we are starting with the basics and the terms that are introduction to the individual points of all the elements mentioned above.
Walk, donĀ“t walk. What is equiality and diversity? Equality Quiz. Mission to Mars. Equality and diversity theory. Perception game. A Riddle! Prejudices and discrimination. Creation an inclusive policy in our organizations.
Entrecomp and digcomp workshop: Introduction and theory of frameworks. Being entrepreneurial. Our community needs related to inclusion and social entrepreneurship. Entrecomp competencies with cards. Skills and attitudes.Value created: Social, cultural, financial.
Erasmus + Opportunities Presentation. Advance of 20-27 new actions.
Planning and project development in groups. Pitching.
NGO market

Outcomes of the activity

Day 1: Resources for equity, equility, diversity and protected characteristics.
Day 2: Resources related to discrimination, prejudices and stereotypes. Elaboration a policy for inclusion in our organizations. NGO market.
Day 3: Entrecomp Framework and into action
Day 4: Erasmus +Opportunities and advance of 2020-2027. Planning and project development.
Day 5: Planning and project development. Pithching. Youth pass.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

General coordinator and co- facilitator with Aurora Martinez

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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