This is a reference for Olga Kyriakidou

Ready, Steady, Go

The training activity took place
in Glasgow,Scotland
organised by Xchange Scotland
29.05.2012 - 04.06.2012

Aims & objectives

The aim of this activity was to bring together community/social/youth workers and those that work within sport to develop new ideas, strategies, opportunities and projects around the themes of Entrepreneurship, Intercultural Dialogue and Olympic Values.
To raise the principles and values of the Olympic Ideals and improve the understanding of the Olympic Ideals and their place in the world today.
The outcomes were:
- A better knowledge of the concept of social learning through sport - how sport enables cross-cultural, cross-linguistic and cross-generational connections, understanding and opportunities
- A better understanding of how to use Sports as an effective tool for job creation, entrepreneurship and economical development.
- New skills and knowledge in the Youth in Action programme
- New ideas and plans to take forward with participants on this course aswell as to take back home in relation to all the things that have been learned

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The target group was community/social/youth workers and those that work within sport.
The countries that the participants were coming from : Malta, Hungary, Netherlands, U.K., Austria, Bulgaria and Poland

Training methods used & main activities

Methodology was based on the principles of non-formal education and was designed and delivered very actively and creatively with practical examples, exercises and discussion of projects that have brought changes and success in the area of sports and entrepreneurship. During the training, participants were involved in various activities focusing on active participation, visualizations, workshops, role-playing and simulations.

Outcomes of the activity

The participants had the chance to develop future partnerships and projects in support of this work through the Youth in Action program. communication is till on and a nice network was established.
Also the participants through Loesje Workshop they created posters with powerful phrases to inspire young people.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

The role undertaken for me was a full time trainer.
Took part from the beginning till the very end
(Planning, implementing and evaluating the training)

I worked on this training for 5days days as a full time trainer.

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