This is a reference for Katerina Martinkova


The training activity took place
in Olomouc, CZ
organised by Brno Connected
Reference person

Anna Sipos

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Aims & objectives

The main objective of the project was to enable young people with entrepreneurial skills in order to support them in creating new ’alternative’ workplaces for themselves and for others, and this was achieved since we selected participants who had social business ideas or who were already working in an NGO. During the training and during the combination of non formal learning processes youth workers were developing these ideas: starting their own NGO or social entreprise and applying for international projects in the future, develop their already existing NGOs and projects, realize local initiatives in the topics of sustainability, creative recycling, human rights, environmental protection.
Another objective of the project was to support sustainable thinking of the participants, so that when they are designing their entreprise, they take in consideration being sustaiable towards the environment.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The project involved 29 participants coming from 6 countries: CZ, Hungary, Spain, Italy, Greece and Bulgaria.
Participants of the training course were youth workers, coaches, trainers, volunteers of youth associations who wanted to take a step forward and make a living out of the activities they are already doing. They were also young people who have a social business idea to realize, and/or youth workers who are interested in applying new methods in social entrepreneurship in their work with youth.

Training methods used & main activities

- creative recycling (creating objects out of "garbage" as a practice of creative and sustainable thinking)
- living library (discussing with guests from social entreprises)
- self- presentation (elevator pitch, communication skills, presentation skills)
- creative workshops (body movement, art, landart,..)
- reflection groups
- open space discussions

Outcomes of the activity

- Participants learnt how to turn their ideas into action and some of them started their own projects
- Participants developped their event management and presentation skills when organising and open event for local audience
- Participants learnt how to design a workshop for students on the topic of sustainablity

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I delivered the programme of the training together with Hungarian trainer, Anna Sipos.
I took care of the project coordination of the whole project

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

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