This is a reference for Ana Jovanovic

Project Yourself

The training activity took place
in Subotica, Serbia
organised by OSMEH

Aims & objectives

In short, some of the main objectives would be:

• Improving the skills of future youth workers, through obtaining the participants with project management knowledge;
• Transmition of the knowledge from trainers to participants by the tried out methodology made by trainers which already worked together for several times;
• Building the capacity of each organization in human resources who are able to work like project managers within a frame of Youth in Action program;
• Promotion of Youth in Action program with particular focus on mobility, exchanges, cooperation and training in European youth work;
• Raising awareness of the importance of European cooperation in the field of youth;
• Promotion of mutual understanding, breaking prejudice and empower partnership cooperation with South East Europe countries by participating on this project and working in mixed groups;
• Exchanging experiences in youth work;
• Encouraging creation of new partnerships and further projects.

On the other side, this project contributes to two other priorities of the Programme:

• Non formal education in order to improve the quality of youth work;
• Stressing the cultural diversity and European citizenship as aspects of this work

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Target group were young people aged between 20 and 28 actively involved in youth work and willing to learn how to write project under the frame of Youth in Action program. They were coming from 10 different countries (Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Lithuania, Kosovo, Germany, Serbia, Slovenia and Italy)

Training methods used & main activities

Through daily activities including interactive workshops, group discussions, presentations, interactive games and open space, they had the opportunity to learn project management skills in the most interesting way. From team building and intercultural learning, to basic knowledge of Youth in Action and project management skills, all of the activities were planned and directed towards giving young people a better understanding of the programme, and transferring the relevant skills and knowledge that will help them to write their own projects in the future. Our target was to develop at least four good ideas for future projects that would be applied for under the framework of Youth in Action at the deadline of June 1st 2010.

Outcomes of the activity

The training achieved that participants learned how to write project, what is the Youth in Action program about and how to establish international network. in June 2010 there were 6 new projects applied from which 4 got aprooved (3 youth exchanges and one EVS)
Project idea was published on

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was a trainer and a project manager of the training (wrote the project, communicate with partners, sent the final report).

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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