This is a reference for Mateusz Górecki

Present Work Future Steps

The training activity took place
in Poronin, Poland
organised by Fundacja Innowacyjnej Edukacji

Aims & objectives

The project “Present Work Future Steps” was a contact-making seminar, which aimed at bringing NGOs working on capacity building for educators and educators themselves
coming from different backgrounds in order to meet together and reflect &review how to strengthen our capacities in human rights education and intercultural learning in order to
address current challenges of nowadays.
The objectives of the project were:
-To share realities in our home states and reflect on the opportunities of HRE and intercultural learning as potential driving force in advocating democracy

-To brainstorm the competences of educators which need to be developed/ enhanced in nowadays situation (e.g. political competence etc.)

-To develop joint initiatives for educators aiming at strengthening our capacities in HRE and intercultural learning

-To develop joint strategies on dealing with different challenges of HR in educational field

-To reinforce cross-sectorial cooperation

-To create new contacts and networking

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

-43 participants from: Poland, UK, Cyprus, Germany, Italy, Greece, Denmark, Sweden, Turkey, Slovakia, Romania, Portugal, Lithuania,

-representatives of NGOs, formal educational institutions working in the field of capacity building for educators and aiming at equipping their staff with new competences

- educators themselves, who are open for professional development and eager for education to respond to the issues of nowadays

Training methods used & main activities

NFE methodology based on Joplin and Kolb circles

Outcomes of the activity

During the contact seminar, representatives of partner organizations developed 9 proposals for future projects. The subjects they raised were mainly related to issues based on: active citizenship. insipiring inclusion, ocean project, sustainable development, YE find your path and social inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities through theater, as well as forms of creative writing and fine arts. Some of the proposals were presented directly in our
post-project publication.
- project proposals created during mobility that involve / will be created in partnerships created directly during the
1)Youth exchange “YOUth choose ” focusing on the the empowerment of young people towards active citizenship by
realizing youth role in societies.
2)Mobility of Youth Workers “Inspiring inclusion” focusing on developing collaboration between European youth workers
and musicians in order to create musical activities to benefit refugee communities in Europe and developing
participants’ attitudes towards a greater appreciation of the need for more conscious use of music in creative
collaborative processes with refugee communities in Europe.
3) Youth exchange “I SEA US” focusing on creating awareness about the impact of Human actions on the ocean by
bringing people closer to the ocean in order to feel more empathy through the Ocean and its problems.
4) Multi-stage KA2 project “Commit to sustainable future” aiming to bring digital innovative approches and solutions to
the sustainable development goals
5) Youth Exchange “Find your path” aiming to bring awareness of social/peer pressure and to build confidence in the
youngsters to follow their own path
6)Youth exchange “Go rural” focusing on changing the attitude of the youth towards rural areas and encourage better
understanding of the EU values and enhancing their culture of participation in civic and political affairs.
7) Youth Exchange “The real story” focusing on media literacy, identifying fake news and propaganda and providing
tools for media literacy.
8) Mobility of Youth Workers “Project Lab” focusing on training NGO and youth workers in international project
9) KA2 project “Innovative solutions” focusing on sharing god practices in the field of innovative educational

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Creating a content, preparation of sessions, supervision, evaluation.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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