This is a reference for Stefano Dal Farra

Our steps for a better future

The training activity took place
in Mezzano - Italy
organised by Comitato d'Intesa
16/06/2017 - 25/06/2017

Aims & objectives

The aim of the exchange is that of sharing at a European level some good practices that have already been developed by Comitato d’Intesa. The main objective of the project was that of promoting, among young people, critical conscience, active participation and identity, which are very important ingredients to start new sustainable processes of local development.

“Our steps for a better future” proposes a
new learning program, not just local anymore, but "glocal", involving 5 European youth associations.
This project wants to deal this time, in an innovative way, with the European challenge of the sustainable development (in an environmental, social, cultural and economic dimension) and start a new strategy of local and global development, in order to maintain a strong settlement on the territory, but promoting at the same time, the local identity towards an intercultural opening, through dialogue and comparison.

The specific objectives of the project “Our steps for a better future” are:
-Creating a space for dialogue and intercultural learning among young people coming
from 5 different countries, promoting a European and an ecological citizenship;
-Increasing the awareness among young people about sustainability and sustainable
education, promoting an ethic vision of the relationship between man and nature, and
sustainable lifestyles;
-Encouraging young people towards environmentally
friendly behaviours, teaching
a responsible and critical consumption;
-Promoting a new sustainable culture
able to lead young people and local
communities towards conscious and ethical
choices regarding consumption, lifestyle,
mobility, energy savings and recycling;
-Promoting sustainable education as active citizenship and social inclusion expression;
-Experimenting innovative methodologies, based on non-formal education, using visual
arts and games as universal languages, as instruments of integration and to enhance
cultural diversities;
-Using communication, artistic expression and multimedia as experimental methodologies
of peer education;
-Recognizing and certifying the level of abilities, attitudes and competences obtained by
young people during the youth exchange;
-Creating an international net of partnership, starting point for future collaborations.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The project will have in total 30 participants coming from 6 different countries such as Romania, Italy, Czech Republic, Poland and Bulgaria. Each delegation will be was by 4 participants and 1 group leader.

Training methods used & main activities

We used non-formal education activities, such as world cafe session, open space, team building activities, play roles, interviews in the city.

Outcomes of the activity

The outcome of the project was the realization of a video, available on the Facebook page of the organization.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was the main trainer and facilitator during the project, and I had to organize the activities of the project and i was the responsible and manager of the content of the project.

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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