This is a reference for Sefik Emre Coskun

One Step Forward

The training activity took place
in İzmir - Turkey
organised by Dokuz Eylul University Youth Team
28 November – 04 December 2008
Reference person

Serkan Uzmen

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

The training course was designed for intercultural learning and active participation among youngters. After launching Youth Programme need of understading of intercultural learning has been increased.
all players of this training course will have chance to improve their leraning process and capacity, know each other better. New tools will be discussed in this training course, and especially beginner participation from partner organizations and group will join in this TC in order to keep sustainability and diversity. Also new projects will be designed after this TC

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The Target Group of Project is Youth Workers from Europe who already started to work in youth Field.

Portugal, Greece, France, Italy, Scotland, Spaini Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey is the partners of Training.

Training methods used & main activities

In this project; we did workshops about Intercultural Learning, Activizm, Communication, Youth Programme, Active Participation and Crisis Management. We used Non-Formal Education during the training course. We created Activizm application about 1st of December World AIDS Day with local NGO’s. And we did presantations about Youth In Action Programme in Dokuz Eylul University Foreing Languages Scholl in Prep. Classes in oder to reach local yougsters to promote intercultural learning.

For example, for group dynamic session we used "Blind Train". We divided the group 3. they created human train. Only the last persons in the line can see. And there 4 missions and they try to finish this sessions. After that we talked about being group, leaderhip and team work.

for activism, we chosed World AIDS day (WAD) and we joined meeting for WAD and we prepared a silent theatre for this. all participants lived a real experience for activism. then we talked about this experience.

Outcomes of the activity

We did questionnaire after TC, in this questionnaire everything is ok. And after the training course we keep our contact with participant. Some of them said that they use tools and develop themselves aftert this TC.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

We are 4 Trainers in the group. We all work full time trainer. My responsibility was in the training crete a group dynamic. and organizing sessions about Activism.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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