This is a reference for Dora Preszeller

On the spot! – How to stop youth dropout! Training course of youth workers

The training activity took place
in Alsótold, Hungary
organised by Firka Ifjúsági Egyesület
11-21 October 2018
Reference person

Andrea Sónyák-Nikovics

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Aims & objectives

The project has a focus on the prevention of dropout and the empowerment of endangered young people. We have designed a training where youth workers get the methods and tools to tackle the problem of early school leaving with competence development, study visits, and sharing good practices. During the training course they will discover and understand the main motives and problems behind early school leaving, meet and share good practices, and develop new methods together as well.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Professionals, who are active on the field of youth work, they have active connections to young people – we expect the application of youth workers, social workers, mentors, teachers working in youth centres, schools, or social services with at least 2 years experience.
Participants over 21 years old. Participants from: Hungary, Poland, Greece, France, Lithuania, Italy, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic

Training methods used & main activities

theater, shooting video, field trip, role-play, movement meditation, synergy, discussions, work in pairs, trios, small and big groups

Outcomes of the activity

As a result of the training course, they will get a whole package of tools and competencies to help successfully those young people who are endangered by dropout.
This toolbox will be available in a form of a booklet to multiply the results of the training course.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My tasks and responsibilities were
- to prepare the agenda together with the other trainer, including the needs of the participants
- conduct the activities related to effective communication skills, coaching, intercultural dialogue, Youthpass and key competencies, daily evaluation
- evaluating the project and the outcomes

I worked on this training for 11 days as a full time trainer.

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