This is a reference for Diana Kovačić

On arrival training (ESC)

The training activity took place
in Orahovica
organised by National agency for mobility and EU programmes
20th to 25th March 2023
Reference person

Mateja Crneković

(Senior Advisor in Department for European Solidarity Corps (organiser))
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

6-days long On arrival training aims to empower and support young volunteers to achieve as much as
possible in the time of their volunteering service trough information about Volunteering activities under European Solidarity Corps.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Groups was consisted of 16 participants, all young persons participating in ESC projects implemented by organisations for youth coming from 8 different European countries (Spain, Sweden, France, Italy, Ukraine, Georgia, Croatia, Armenia).

Training methods used & main activities

The training was based upon a non-formal education approach. A combination of different creative and interactive methods were used: presentations, discussions, exercises, simulations, case studies, board games, individual work, group work, energisers, brainstorming, reflections…

Outcomes of the activity

Participants had the chance to get to know other participants, what they do and what are their experiences so far, had the opportunity to discuss their rights and responsibilities as a
participant in ESC programme. Also, they got the chance to share and discuss any worries, concerns or questions they had about the experience they are undertaking. Further more, they explored the potential challenges and strengthen their communication and problem-solving skills, as well as to discover the way culture influences people on every day bases, especially their service. In the end, they has the support to think about learning through service and make their personal learning plan.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was a one of the trainers in the training pair that had the responsibility to implement entire program, adapt it to the needed, interest and learning styles of the participants in order to achieve set goals of the training. Including the overall training. The training included personal consultations with young participants in order to support them in facing and overcoming potential challenges during their volunteering service. Within this engagement, I also had the responsibility of conducting evaluation as well as reporting.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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