This is a reference for Laura Pierfelici

OAT - On arrival training EVS Vietnam

The training activity took place
in Don Thap, Vietnam
organised by SJ Vietnam
6-12 May 2013

Aims & objectives

In the frame of Youth in Action Programme, 7 youngster coming from Spain, Italy and Poland had the possibility to do a long-term EVS experience in Vietnam. This training aimed to introduce the volunteers to the host country (vietnam), preparing them for the service period and the EVS experience.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The coordinator was Aga Byrczek from Spain and the team of trainer was composed by Laura Pierfelici from Italy and Phuc Do Thi from Vietnam.

Training methods used & main activities

We used a mix of methods in order to make to facilitate the learning and the sharing of the information among the participants. We used images, story telling, discussion in small groups and in plenary, silent discussions, individual and group reflection and of course energysers, ice-breaking and teambuilding activities.

Outcomes of the activity

Objectives achieved:
· help the volunteers adapt to cultural and personal challenges they might face during the
· equip volunteers with guidance and practical skills on conflict prevention and crisis
· equip the volunteers with communication skills, including aspects of intercultural learning
and prepare them for cultural shock
· offer space and tools for planning and monitoring of learning

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was working as full-time trainer taking part to the preparation, implementation and evaluation of the whole training working in team with my vietnamese colleague.

I worked on this training for 6 days days as a full time trainer.

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