This is a reference for Alessandra Coppola

NoHateMakers in Action: combating Hate Speech in Euromed

The training activity took place
in Brussels - Belgium
organised by NoHateMakers Group

Aims & objectives

The aim of this project is to support development of capacities of partner organizations
to counter hate speech in all its forms by supporting youth workers/lieders/trainers in
development of skills and knowledge about counter and alternative narratives which will
be used in their work with young people.

• Explore and deepen the understanding of hate speech
• Familiarize participants with the concept of narratives and develop their competences
to be able to develop and implement counter and alternative narratives
• Raise the awareness about link between hateful narratives and youth radicalization
• Familiarize participants with We CAN! manual and encourage them to use it in work
with young people
• Encourage and support promotion and implementation of No Hate Speech
Movement in countries where it still does not exist and in line with it, keep developing
EuroMed network that will focus on taking actions against hate

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The grou was composed by 28 youth workers from Belgium, Croatia, Egypt, Italy, Lebanon, Morocco Tunisia and Turkey.

Training methods used & main activities

Non formal education activities
We CAN! manual application
WEDI Activists Board Game
Ice breacking, energizers, name games
brain storming
group works

Outcomes of the activity

Production of 4 pice of counternarratives, 3 in the format of pictures and 1 in the format of video, applied online during the MedUNI.

To know more visit:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Full time trainer

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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