This is a reference for Marta Skorczynska

No Panic

The training activity took place
in Krzętów, Poland
organised by
Reference person

Biba A. Rebolj

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Aims & objectives

The aim of the project was to prepare youth workers, trainers, project coordinators, and mentors to deal with situations and act accordingly, when participants of your activities experience a crisis and find it difficult to continue with the activity. What to do when participant finds it too challenging to take an active part in the project? Some of them, for example, had to deal with a situation of a psychological crisis, a sudden death of a close relative, disclosure of a mental disease. Others, in long term projects, may experience intercultural shock or find it extremely difficult to establish satosfactory realtions in the new environment. There is always a question of how far does our responsibility as a facilitator or coordinator go? And how to be supportive, yet allowing the responsibility for managing this situation to the participant, at the same time? How to deal with our own frustration coming from my limited position?
This training course anticipated developing competences to communicate with participants from target groups who find themselves in crisis or difficult situation during the activities.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

This activity involved youth workers from the following countries: Poland, Slovenia, Romania, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Germany, Sweden, Turkey, Portugal, Spain

Training methods used & main activities

The program was based on working in groups, self-exploration and reflection, peer couching, learning by doing, and applied drama techniques. Participants were practicing communicating with others using the methods and tools from Solution Focused Brief Therapy and Coaching, as well as Nonviolent Communication.

Outcomes of the activity

During the training course participants improved their communication competence, learned tools to communicate from Solution Focused Brief Therapy and Coaching, as well as Nonviolent Communication. Summary of the methods and tools presented in the training can be downloaded from the website:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was part of the trainers' team, responsible for the applied drama activities, and creating the context for using the presented tools and methods in work with youngsters and volunteers

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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