This is a reference for Erik Ghazaryan


The training activity took place
in Yerevan, Armenia
organised by MOJU

Aims & objectives

-To share the experience of youth (un)employability issues of the participating countries and exchange best practice about the topic

-To get skills on how to write competitive CV and motivation/cover letter

-To get informed about international job opportunities provided by various job finding organizations
-To promote volunteering as a connecting bridge for students to become employees. -To design and implement workshops tackling unemployment issues

-To inform about the opportunities Erasmus+ gives to youth as a positive input in finding jobs -To create network between youth workers involved in youth (un)employment issues

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The team consists of 2 international trainers(Ukraine and Armenia) and 2 organizers(Armenia, Portugal).

The participants of the PBA were from Portugal, Armenia, Belarus, Croatia, Greece, Ukraine, Spain, Austria, Georgia, Turkey, Netherlands, Moldova, Italy, and Cyprus.

Training methods used & main activities

To reach the objectives the trainers used NFE methods and informal learning methods including group discussions, homework, Programme-rally, reflection groups, informal activities, team-presentations, exchange of best practices, role plays, input from trainers, field visits, team-building activities, world cafe, field visits, NGO fairs and etc. Below you can see the sessions, their context and how they meet the objectives of the project.

Outcomes of the activity

The participants got advanced skills in tackling unemployment in local communities.

The final evaluations prooved the success of the project for participants.

Several publications
Video about the project.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

The development of the Project sessions.
Implementation of several sessions
Preparing the trainers' report of the PBA

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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