This is a reference for Mateusz Górecki

Network Meeting Silesia 2014

The training activity took place
in Zabrze, Poland
organised by AEGEE-Europe

Aims & objectives

Network Meeting is the International Congress of the European Students’ Forum AEGEE and gathers members of the organization from all over Europe. Every year two antennas from each network are selected to prepare the spring and autumn conference.

This year NWM will be unique. It is distinguished by the fact that it will be organized by two antennas: AEGEE Gliwice and AEGEE Katowice - working together on a project, which means a double set of inspiring ideas and strengthens relation between two closely located antennas. The amazing team of coordinators and project group collaborative to create a unique in its kind event at the highest level.

Network Meeting Silesia 2014 “Dream! It works!” is addressed to all members of the AEGEE organization. More than 150 people will have the opportunity to take part in this extraordinary event. The team of Network Meeting Silesia 2014 would like to refer to the broadly understood topic of European integration and the cooperation of countries of the Old Continent as well as among their citizens. Against the background of deepening economic crisis, we would like to raise issues related to self-employment, unemployment problems and possibilities of improvement and in effect improve the economic situation in European countries. The presented subjects are a great opportunity to address many of the discussions related to the development and learning opportunities, which aims to improve the quality of life and economic situation in the countries of Europe. The covered topics allow the exchange of insights, thoughts, benefits and problems arising European integration. What is more, we wish to introduce the culture of the Silesia region but also opportunities for growth wisdom, financial profits and good jobs for young people. The meeting will be also be the perfect platform for cooperation and exchanging of ideas between students from different countries, as well as an opportunity for self-development and improvement of their skills.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

International group, including 150 people from Poland, Germany, Ukraine, Holland, Italy, Spain.

Training methods used & main activities

Brainstroming, Buzz groups, Individual work, Discussion, Evaluation, Feedback.

Outcomes of the activity

Training was mainly based working out new solutions and design ideas, addressed to Erasmus +. The aim of the training was to provide the most important information, methods and tools that participants can implement in their organizations. Through workshops participants made a total of 12 projects activating their group and community, which will have a huge impact firstly on the motivation of the project team to take the next steps after the second activation of the "old structures" organizations, third engagement of their project partners from all over Europe.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Substantive preparation workshops. The creation of copyright forms, through which the participants were in a quicker way to know the functioning of the new application environment. Familiarize participants with the educational possibilities, not only related to the Erasmus +. Evaluation. Summary of knowledge and project outlines created by the participants. Feedback.

I worked on this training for 4 days as a full time trainer.

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