This is a reference for Javi Quilez Peña

More CLEAR Seminar

The training activity took place
in Turin - Italy
organised by YES - Youth Exchange Service
22-26 February 2020

Aims & objectives

This was the second seminar of the KA2 Project "CLEAR" about Creative Learning Environments Adapted & Renewed.

The aim was to anallyse the learning outcomes and the adaptations of the previously design methods and to analyse what elements made them creative learning environments.

For this days the objectives were:

-Recreating personal & professional Connections
-Share outcomes and main learnings from local actions
-Sharing ideaas to improve & renew previously developed workshops
-Share links between the Creative Learning Environments and the Europea Strategy: Connect, empower and Engage
-Competence development of educators: What competencies do supporters of learners need and how can educators develop those?
-Overcome Challenges and obstacles as educators
-Analyse needs in order to create Creative Learning Environments
-Action plan to make change and future cooperation

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

We had a total of 22 participants from Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Latvia.

Participants were all active members of their organisations, and Latvian municipality, and we had Non formal Educators, Youth workers and some teachers.

Training methods used & main activities

"The adventure"

We had to analyse how the local action plan were implemented and what were the learning outcomes and the adaptations each partner made to the methods in order to adapt them to their target groups.

So in order to do this we organised a "walking journey" in to the mountains, while after every 5 minutes a new question was put on the table and participants had to make couples and comment about that question.

Once back in the journey this was followed by a presentation of outcomes by country and we identify some high points to incorporate to the methods and also tips & tricks.

Outcomes of the activity

Since everybody experienced before hand the methods and had the time and chance to test it locally, everybody was engaged and in track for the next step: that was to improve those methods and make them suitable for any educator with tips and tricks to make them a creative learning environment for all.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

For this seminar it was Dani Korai and me as main facilitators so we were in charge of desining the programme flow, facilitate it and evaluating the process.

I worked on this training for 4 days as a full time trainer.

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