This is a reference for Ieva Ulianskaite

Mindful Team Management

The training activity took place
in Lecce, Italy
organised by VulcanicaMente
March 20th (arrival)-27th (departure)

Aims & objectives

Aim is to:

Improve youth workers competences in team management and team development, in their work with big groups of young people (20-30)

Objectives are to:

1.better understand the different types of education (formal,non-formal,informal), their specific methods and their benefits in forming a team, acquire knowledge about different stages of forming a team, conflict management and communication with groups.
2. better implement non-formal education methods with groups between 15-30 people, be able to create own team- building and trust building methods and to manage a group (communication, giving tasks, motivation, conflict management).
3. have more trust, enjoyment and good feelings about own abilities to work with big teams (20-30) of young people, have a more open minded attitude towards young people, feel more motivated to use mindfulness in team development and be eager to apply more non-formal methods within own groups.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The main target group for a TC are youth workers, people in some way involved in direct work with young people, seeking for new methods to manage big groups of youngsters. We expect that you are involved in youth NGOs and have a platform for dissemination activities. And most importantly, we expect that you have an open mind to experience group management with mindfulness yourself in order to be able to use it in your work in future.

“Mindful Team Management” will gather 24 participants from 8 countries:

Training methods used & main activities

Discussions, work in pairs, trios, small and big groups, interactive role-playing games, icebreakers, team-building, simulations, theatre, mindfulness, movement meditation, intercultural event, energizers, daily evaluations.

Outcomes of the activity

3 workshops in partner NGO to share results with NGO team members ;
1 workshop in the community to share project results;
1 workshop on non formal education in local university;
2 workshops for students and teachers in high school presenting ERASMUS+;
short article/video about E+ experience with pictures posted on NGO social media by each participant. The article has to be shared via diverse channels;
brochure-contribute to brochure preparation and share it with min 20 NGOs in your community via email.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Supporting the team of trainers with mindfulness non-formal education methods, delivering reflection and mindfulness workshops as well as supporting overall success of the learning processes.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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