This is a reference for Barbara Moś

Migration is natural, boarders are not

The training activity took place
in Berlin
organised by Fahrten-Ferne-Abenteuer
3-10 November 2017

Aims & objectives

The training activity aimed at developing methodology and concrete tools for youth exchanges on the topic of migration. Methodology was based on LARPs (Life Action Role Play) of 3 historical pre-summerian tribes migrating and reconstructing mechanisms of intercultural learning and integration processes. It was an answer for a fear of unknown realizing itself in opposition towards migrations as a phenomena in many European countries. This methodology enables to emphasize with all parties of migration processes and unfold prejudices and general approaches.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Target group was youth workers from Poland, Romania, Italy, Spain and Czech Republic involved in grassroots youth work, having direct contact with marginalized youth from various environments.

Training methods used & main activities

Main methodology that was developed during the seminar and was used already during it was LARP - life action role play. We were discussing the content of it and prepared methods for youth exchanges.

Outcomes of the activity

3 scenarios of LARP in pre-summerian times, in which 3 tribes are trying to find their place in the world. They experience cultural clash, intercultural learning, cultural diffusion, accommodation and acculturation processes.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was a co-trainer with Piotr Warzyszyński.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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