This is a reference for Max Fras

Migration and Youth: New Realities and Challenges

The training activity took place
in European Youth Centre Budapest
organised by Minorities of Europe

Aims & objectives

- To exchange and analyse practice and experience, methodologies and approaches of youth work on the projects and activities related to migration;
- To develop an understanding of different aspects of migration and the relations in the context of class, race, north-south, east – west and EU/non-EU relations;
- To develop a European work programme of youth projects dedicated to migration
- To build new partnerships between participating organizations;
- To review the opportunities provided by Council of Europe, European Youth Centres and European Youth Foundation in the field of migration and youth work;
- To develop new projects related to integration of young people from immigrant background;
- To improve youth workers’ skills in tackling migration and integration with young people.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The profile of the participants was defined in the call for participants. The study session aimed at bringing together youth workers and youth leaders directly interested or concerned by the themes of the event (migration and youth work).
Participants had to correspond to the following criteria:

 have experience in the topics of the study session
 be highly motivated to participate and contribute to the event and to implementation of its results
 be ready and able to work as multipliers
 be aged between 20 and 30
 be able to attend the full duration of the training course
 be able to work in English
 reside in a Council of Europe Member State

Participants came from the following countries:
Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Austria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Sweden and Ukraine,

Project team:

Max Fras, UK, Course Director
Jaroslaw Wisniewski, Poland
Irina Vasiljeva, Latvia
Luca Frongia, Italy
Ana Dervishi, Albania

Training methods used & main activities

The experiences and realities of participants, as youth workers and youth leaders, was the starting point of the programme and of the learning process. A range of working methods was used which facilitated learning and exchanging experiences about migration and work with migrants – research on country information about migration, lectures, group work (including small group work), role play, social theatre, buzz groups, debates/brainstorming, discussions, simulation games.

The study session was also supported with the thematic inputs provided by trainers and external experts (Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, International Organisation for Migration) to support the learning process, information sessions, workshops and group dynamic activities all aimed at ensuring the maximum learning output for, and involvement of, the participants. Active participation and contribution of participants was ensured by using interactive way of presenting information and knowledge about specific topics.

Outcomes of the activity

The main learning outcomes can be grouped in two clusters – personal learning and professional learning outcomes.
Within personal learning points participants appreciated the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences with other people either working or interested in the topic of migration. Participants were recruited from different backgrounds – youth work, volunteering, academia – creating an educational and experiential mixture and atmosphere for sharing and learning from each other. Participants appreciated the fact that many sessions were based on their involvement, their creativity and active participation. Participants felt that their language skills have improved – due to the fact that they had to speak English in order to be understood by others, the were gaining confidence in it, which some of them lacked before the session. Also, some participants felt that their team-work skills have increased, as they thought they overlooked it beforehand.
Within professional learning points participants felt that they gained a lot of knowledge on the complexity of migration, and its influence on young people in Europe. They felt that they increased significantly their skills when it comes to applying migration to youth work on different levels, through different methods (formal and non-formal).
Ultimately they were very excited about the opportunities being offered by the Directoriate of Youth and Sport of the Council of Europe, in particular of the opportunity to organize study sessions at CoE Educational Centres, and by the opportunities offered by the European Youth Foundation.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was the Course Director. My duties involved managing the whole project cycle from preparation through implementation and reporting.

I was also one of the main trainers in the activity together with four colleagues.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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