This is a reference for Leilani van Rheenen

Managing My Organization/Managing Myself

The training activity took place
in Boltigen, Switzerland
organised by Verein Narkultur
25/11/12 - 02/12/12

Aims & objectives

The objectives of the training were:

-To provide the opportunity for organizations to meet and exchange best practices and ideas

-To reflect on the challenges faced and to provide possible solutions/ideas/tools that can enable participants to handle these challenges in the best way possible

- To develop together strategies which fulfill the explored needs of each participating organization

- To honestly and openly reflect on the reasons for stress, overwork, burnout, being "the only one", financial difficulties, personnel lacks and communication challenges in order to find viable and sustainable solutions

- To find ways to maximize productivity, efficiency, motivation, teamwork, promotion, sense of "ownership" by volunteers and employees and financial resources.

- To support NGO managers in exploring ways to build personal resources and maintain a balanced life

- To discuss the similarities and differences related to NGO management in relation to the varying realities of the participating countries

- To develop structures that enables the participating organizations to provide quality youth work in a regional, national and international level, according to the required standards of programs such as YOUTH IN ACTION

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The international and intercultural composition of this training course was strong due to having participants from Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey and Palestine. The team of trainers and organizers were from Switzerland, Israel, and Holland/Brazil.

Training methods used & main activities

Non-formal learning methods were used that built extensively on the existing knowledge and experience of participants and provided a variety of learning methods and tools through which participants could direct their learning and reach their personal and organizational objectives.

Outcomes of the activity

The training was successful on many levels particularly that of creating a strong camaraderie between participants and trainers through which the participants could find support for the challenges they were facing. It is possible that a training course with the same target group focusing specifically on building resources will result from this training.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Designing the action 4.3 project proposal and designing and implementing all aspects of the training course together with the other trainers.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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