This is a reference for Juan Cruz

Looking back - moving forward! Inner Insight (Youth Exchange)

The training activity took place
in Murter, Croatia
organised by Udruga Argonauta

Aims & objectives

“Looking back – moving forward! Inner insight” continued building a bridge between the past and the future. This was a follow-up project, a continuation of the previous edition “Looking back - moving forward!” The participants felt the need to strengthen and upgrade the foundations of that bridge. We had already started looking back and then it was time to move more forward than we already did. The continuation of the project “Looking back-Moving forward!” helped the participants understand the psychological, interpersonal and intercultural aspect and consequences of war. By digging deeper into both themselves and history, they saw many different, but also important outcomes of the war that we still have to discuss. We focused on what is common for Europeans and how we can learn from history, fostered reconciliation and constructive approaches to remembrance, promoted the European spirit of cooperation, understanding, and tolerance and active participation of young people. We also focused this time on deeper psychological effects of these historical facts.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

This project brought together 36 youngsters and 6 group leaders from countries involved in different past events that still shape the path towards the future (Croatia and Serbia, Macedonia and Turkey). Participants from countries that are not directly involved in the same historical events (Italy and Spain), but have gone through similar situations contributed with an external point of view and enriched the debate.

Training methods used & main activities

The project was composed of different non-formal education workshops that allowed participants to enrich their knowledge, learn about historical events and their effect on people and public opinion in general, compare information and learn how to conserve historical memory through testimonials and storytelling.

Preparatory set of activities before the implementation: research and gather information and stories from local people on a certain historical event that had importance for them.

During the implementation: non-formal workshops like ice-breaking games, teambuilding dynamics, debates, role-play, theatre, etc.

Outcomes of the activity

It was published a digital booklet with testimonials about war collected from local people in the countries involved.
During the exchange an event took place in the form of folkloric dances that commemorated the different communities. Representatives from local NGOs and local people were invited and attended this event. A presentation with positive messages was developed as a result of the project per each country. Some activities were implemented after the youth exchange on a local level in each country. Each partner did a small scale presentation organized by the participants for at least 10 other young people, broadening the impact of the project on the local level of the involved countries. Online events were also organized for the participants of the exchange: one online preparation meeting before the implementation, and another one after the implementation for evaluation.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Member of the organizers team: designing and implementing the program of activities.

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

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