This is a reference for Oleksandra Bakun

Let it realise!

The training activity took place
in Trones, Norway
organised by Overhalla Kommune
13-19 October

Aims & objectives

The main goal of this project was to build the friendship between the partner organizations to create the networks of cooperation and sharing experience. It was intended that following this project participants will go on to develop future projects within the next year, return to their countries and disseminate what they have learned, inform them what kind of projects they can participate in and encourage participation with young people in the local communities. OBJECTIVES:
- To improve methods of work with young people;
- Gain knowledge about other cultures;
- Share experience in international, ntional and local youthwork;
- With the help of new techniques to show young people that Europe is open for their creativity and new ideas, full of respect and equality.

We feel that all these objectives were met thereby creating additional positive impacts that include:

• Younger participants finding they are able to diversify the way they can volunteer and/or are able to take on different roles and thus increase their employability or career prospects. They will also be in a much better position to develop their own project ideas.

• By attending this training organizations represented will be better equipped to promote & disseminate their work and to build strategic partnerships that will further their own aims and objectives, particularly in youth work.

• The methods we use will re-enforce the training on a daily basis. This will give confidence to participants in organizing their own events;

• By attending this event participants and organizations represented will be better able to seek co-financing and other funding to sustain their existing activities and develop new activities.

• We will encourage participants to develop a culture of involving resources (including people) to further develop project and ideas that are developed at or following this training. This can be the case even if no further part in the project will be taken by that person or organization. This result in better quality fundraising applications and project ideas and more success in fundraising for all involved. We will encourage this to be replicated in other Erasmus + Training & Networking projects.

• Participants have left with new skills that will strengthen their organizations financially but also in management strength and project ideas. Participants also had access to great training modules that they can use in their own training and in many cases directly on youth projects.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The organizers/trainers team was:
Bjornar Grande, Norway; Yegane Mussalimova, Azerbaijan; Oleksandra Bakun, Ukraine.

Participants represented the following countries:
Norway - 4 participants; Serbia - 3;Italy - 3; Denmark - 2; Azerbaijan - 4; Ukraine - 3; Georgia - 3; Spain - 2; Portugal - 2; Turkey - 4.

Training methods used & main activities

The methodology used in this training activity is based on non-formal education, experiential and participatory learning methods: team-building activities, discovery activities, peer learning, open space, study visits, cultural visits, world café, NGO market, etc.

Outcomes of the activity

As an outcome of the activity, three Erasmus+ projects were developed and are ready to be applied for the Erasmus+ February 2016 deadline:
1) a Strategic partnership regarding non-formal youthwork recognition (video of presentation availbale here:
2) a Youth Exchange on employability skills, and
3) a training course on empowering youth and informing it about ecological issues through renewables

A series of tools for youthwork were developed (name games, creativity development, kinetic, etc. You can see a video recording of two of them here:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Responsible for the program, activities and daily evaluation, trainer and coach in project development and fundraising.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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