This is a reference for Karolina Kosowska

It’s my life!

The training activity took place
in Osieczna, Poland
organised by Fundacja Centrum Aktywności Twórczej (CAT Foundation)
Reference person

Marlena Pujsza-Kunikowska

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Aims & objectives

The youth exchange "It's my life" aimed to develop young people’s self-awareness concerning well-being, i.e. physical health and mental resilience.

The objectives were:
- To contribute to improving the health and well-being of young people and youth workers in Europe,
- To create an environment that aims at holistic self-development, contributing to the physical and mental well-being of young people,
- To raise young people’s awareness of their emotions and those of others,
- To improve the competence of mental health first aider,
- To enabling young people to benefit from new methods of learning an active and healthy lifestyle,
- To involve and empower young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, in particular, young migrants/refugees and young people from cultural and ethnic minorities, giving them the opportunity for positive change in their communities,
- To contribute to the development of organisational and management skills at the local and international level, in accordance with a more conscious approach to one’s environment and oneself,
- To develop relations between young people and their local (natural) environment,
- To raise awareness of the opportunities offered by Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes.

The training addressed the following needs of young people:
- physical and mental exhaustion,
- low self-esteem,
- negative impact of the social media use,
- regaining a feeling of control in their life,
- finding balance between work and leisure,
- acquiring and maintaining healthy habits.

CAT Foundation always attempts to approach the needs of young people through holistic methods; through engaging the body and minds in creative ways and increasing their engagement within the local community.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

30 participants: 6 team leaders aged 22+ and 24 young people aged 17-27, from 6 countries: Poland, Italy, France, Spain, Czechia and Malta.

Training methods used & main activities

Non-formal education methods were used in the project, among others: World Cafe method, embodyment methods, quizzes, design thinking method, mind map, brainstorming, work in small working groups, exchange of experience and good practices
relaxation exercises using respiratory methods, music therapy, treasure hunt, game-based learning, cultural games and dances, art, recycling art, reflection cards, meditation, metaplan, cooking workshops, drama; theatre of the oppressed, poster method; presentation; DIY organic cosmetics workshop, outdoor activities; forest and beach clean-up; waste separation workshop, methods of adventure pedagogy, nonviolent communication – NVC, Mental Health First Aid Training, Disney method, etc.

Outcomes of the activity

The outcomes of the activity were as follows:
- a picnic promoting healthy lifestyles and interculturalism was held in Leszno,
- a mini-guide was produced, including infographics on creative methods of coping with stress, healthy eating, zero waste philosophy, psychological first aid (on Instagram),
- a project account was set up on Instagram, enabling us to reach more young people,
- after the activity, participants carried out dissemination activities in their local communities,
- improved competence in well-being, i.e. physical health care and mental resilience,
- increased the physical activity of young people,
- raised awareness of one’s own body and body language competence,
- improved competence in the proper diet and the level of knowledge about the impact of diet on the human body,
- improved time management and time organisation skills,
- raised the level of organisation skills,
- increased the amount of time spent in outdoors and/or with peers,
- increased the knowledge of recognizing and naming emotions,
- equipped the participants in the competences of providing Mental Health First Aid,
- equipped the participants in the new coping strategies, how to deal with stress, relaxation and breathing techniques,
- stimulated unconventional and creative thinking of the participants,
- strengthened participants’ assertiveness,
- improved knowledge of conscious consumerism and ecological knowledge,
- improved the level of language skills, in particular as regards communication in English,
- created a space for exchange of experience and to gain experience in working in as international team,
- raised awareness of the opportunities offered by the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programmes.

Project’s website:
Project’s Instagram account:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My tasks included designing the project with a group of young people, coordinating the project, facilitating most of the activities, being the project team leader, working with the leaders and volunteers, and mentoring the young people providing sessions.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

Organizing a youth exchange during the COVID-19 pandemic was no easy task, and it posed significant challenges for both the coordinator and facilitator. Despite these difficulties, including managing COVID cases within our group, Karolina excelled as a facilitator. She ensured that participants still had a meaningful intercultural experience, successfully delivering the program and helping everyone navigate the challenges that arose. Her adaptability, support, and commitment were crucial in making the exchange a success under such challenging circumstances.

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