This is a reference for Angelos Parmatzias

Invisible Generation

The training activity took place
in Bucharest
organised by COSI

Aims & objectives

Our target group are YW dealing with NEET, but the indirect beneficiaries of our project will be NEETs themselves. Thus, by equipping YWs with the necessary Edu tools and competences
to analyse the reality of youth, whilst simultaneously empowering youth in their communities to convert their potentials into opportunities, they will support NEET to make
the first step, either for employment, Edu/training or entrepreneurship.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Participants: 24 youth workers (+18) from 7 countries: volunteers, project
managers, social workers, educators, trainers and other related partners staff who deal directly with the NEET.

Training methods used & main activities


Outcomes of the activity

Video CV, EU guide for NEETS

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team


I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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