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International seminar on cross-sectorial cooperation "Key to inclusion"

The training activity took place
in Ljubljana Slovenia
organised by MOVIT, Institute for development of youth mobility

Aims & objectives

1. To support international cross-sectorial cooperation for inclusion of young people and to highlight the need for a crosssectorial
approach to building a more inclusive and cohesive society, by offering space for them to exchange their experience and share their results,
build links among them and reflect on the topic of social inclusion;
2. To collect good practice examples of cross-sectorial projects to inspire the
interested public beyond the participants of this seminar and offer Erasmus+ as one of the tools for supporting such cooperation, in particular through Key action 2 (Strategic partnerships).

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Seminar gathered 32 representatives of non-formal and formal education sector (youth organisations, schools, VET and HE) as well as
representatives of other sectors, such as employment, social care, health, and/or municipalities, who have been working cross-sectorially on the topic
of inclusion of young people to share their practices, learn from each other and exchange experience and models of cooperation. Seminar was led by me and Alenka Oblak.

Training methods used & main activities

We used a variety of non-fomal methods such as small group discussions/sharing/planing, inputs, structured exercises etc.

Outcomes of the activity

Within evaluation process participants stated that they got new relevant information about inclusion, K2 projects and importance of cros-sectorial cooperation. They brother own networks that will use in future projects. All outputs were gathered and joined with outputs from previous activity and published within publication "Guidebook for fire-starters and daredevils"

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was member of trainers team so i was involved in developing and delivering program of seminar. also i was editor and author of publication that gathered all output of this and previous inclusion activity.

I worked on this training for 3 days as a full time trainer.

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