This is a reference for Evelina Kvartunaite

InterKULT- a training course & youth forum about Conflict Resolution - Peace-building

The training activity took place
in Pristina, Kosovo*UN resolution
organised by Forum for Progressive Initiatives & Friedeich Ebert Stiftung
25-31 August 2015

Aims & objectives

1 To identify - reflect on the Conflict Tree, current global threats and conflict resolution.
2 To share and promote an overview of Peace-building process (how to overcome ethnic and cultural differences and develop sustainable peace).
3 To embed the sense of religious tolerance as a symbol of unification & peace,
and understand more precisely religious radicalism and holly wars.
4 To present Social Democracy as an appropriate model for sustainable social, economical and political progress
5 To learn & promote the role of youth work for sustainable peace, tolerant society and entice participants develop similar project for similar purposes.
6 To create a young professional network for future cooperation,
7 Finally we’ll come up with a Publication about these topics especially for conflict resolution, peace building and religious tolerance - radicalism.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Participants were mainly from former Yugoslavia as well as Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Turkey.

Training methods used & main activities

• Open discussion (overview) about global trends/development in field of Democracy, Regional security and global threat – Defining the global and local sources of conflicts,
• Training Session about "Peace Building, inter-cultural and inter-ethnic coexistence",
• Training - working in groups for "Conflict Tree & Conflict resolution".
• Case study “Human rights” and their implementation (fundamental rights, minorities rights, (focus on) gender equality and free sexual orientation)
• Forum & workshops for “Inter-religious Tolerance” Religious & Radicalism - Holly Wars,
• Presentation about Social Democracy, Y-work for tolerance appreciation to the diversity”.
• a couple of relevant film documentaries Entertaining activities – energizer for group cohesion
• an excursion - to visit some interesting historic, cultural and tourist venues in Kosovo.
• Group Work for the Publication “while the agenda goes on, participants will be divided into group for a certain topics for which have to write and prepare for the later publication.

Outcomes of the activity

Better understanding of the processes, ability to use constructive mind flow and discuss about difficult topics.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was a solo trainer.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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