This is a reference for Annina Kurki

Inspirational Study Visit - Services for youth in NEET situation in Finland

The training activity took place
in Tampere, Finland
organised by FI NA
Reference person

Ari Huotari

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Aims & objectives

The first aim of the study visit was to get familiar with good practices in how to work with NEET-youngsters. During the visit participants got an overall picture how the services are organized and what kind of methods are used in everyday work with NEETs. Places to visit were City of Tampere Youth Services (municipal services), Nauha ry ( NGO), Vamos (NGO) and Siltavalmennus (NGO).

Another aim of this study visit was peer sharing. Participants also shared their work, practices, and methods related to work with NEET.

Third aim was to encourage participants to create and build partnerships and learn how European Youth Programmes can be used in youth work. The goal was to recognize potential tools from European Youth Programmes (Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps) and even find suitable partners for future projects

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

There were 26 participants from 9 different countries.

Training methods used & main activities

This study visit was based on group sharing, study visits, different reflection methods and group work.

Outcomes of the activity

This activity was successful based on the feedback of participants.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was responsible of organizing the whole program of the Study visit:
- Contacting and preparing the visit places
- Building and running the program

I was working alone, supported by FI NA.

I worked on this training for 3 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

Annina is a very professional and skilled trainer/facilitator. She is easy to work with and always thinks what is the best for the participants. She has a very inclusive and development-oriented way of working with participants and co-workers. I can recommend her for all kinds of trainings to work as a facilitator/trainer.

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