This is a reference for Kunka Velikova

Inclusion through Social Entrepreneurship

The training activity took place
in Varna, Bulgaria
organised by Orenda Foundation
11-18 May 2024
Reference person

Nikolinka Dimova

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Aims & objectives

This project familiarised the participants with the concept of social entrepreneurship and how it can be used to solve community problems at the local/regional/national/EU level.

By teaching young people how to create, develop and realise a social entrepreneurship idea we can teach them how to help themselves, overcome their barriers and help their communities.

These are very useful skills, especially for young people with fewer opportunities, who can use the concept to benefit whole disadvantaged groups and communities.

During the project, the involved youth workers developed the following skills:
-the ability to accurately define a social problem and the reasons for its existence;
-a framework for creating an action plan towards its solution, with a lasting social impact;
-understanding how to implement the social business plan;
-the ability to present the idea to different groups of people for fundraising purposes;
-the skill to successfully involve young people in solving the social problem, in the life of the organisation and the community they live in;
-the means to measure the social impact after implementing the plan.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The project included 21 youth workers from 7 countries: Bulgaria, Turkey, Romania, North Macedonia, Ireland, Croatia and Lithuania.

Training methods used & main activities

NFE methods used: role-plays, simulations, public speaking workshops, discussions, small group activities, reflection, developing a social business plan in teams of 2 people

Outcomes of the activity

The participating youth workers developed the following skills:
-enriched their ability to plan and implement targeted activities with a clearly defined and measurable social impact
-learned how to transform their ideas and causes into sustainable ventures by actively involving the young people they work with
-practiced creating a business plan and utilising tools such as Business Canvas and budgeting tools
-improved their public speaking skills and ability to persuade audiences and attract the attention of various stakeholders
-understood basic Marketing concepts and how to use them for the successful promotion of a social entrepreneurship idea
-built a support network with like-minded colleagues from other countries with whom they exchanged good practices and experiences not only during the project but also afterwards

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the two main trainers during this project, focusing mainly on the topics related to identifying social problems, planning and measuring social impact and inclusion.

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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