This is a reference for Panayiotis Theodorou

In the Kingdom of Volunteering - Mentors Journey

The training activity took place
in online + Lefkosia
organised by European Youth Education and Exchange Centre in Weimar
April 6-19, 2021 + October 22-28, 2021
Reference person

Markus Rebitschek

(organiser and co-trainer)
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

- reach a definition and common understanding of the mentoring role in the context of ESC volunteering projects
- exchange of expertise, investigating good practices, development of tools that will enhance the quality of ESC mentoring activities
-creating a space for learning and discovery in the mentoring process to actors affiliated with ESC organizations

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Participants were youth workers, mentors, project coordinators and volunteers from: Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Romania, Norway, Poland, Spain, Sweden.

The team was made up of:
Markus Rebitschek - Germany
Panayiotis Theodorou - Cyprus
Corina Pintea - Romania
Hanna Aheyeva - Belarus
Eleonora Chrysanthi - Cyprus

Training methods used & main activities

Non-formal learning methodology was intensively used during the training, and we adapted for the online event, using interactive tools such as Mural, Menti, Padlet, Zoom breakout rooms. We made use of both individual and group methods, taking into consideration participants’ learning needs. During the face to face event we looked for a creative and participative approach (working with play dough, role-plays, small groups, simulations, introspection).

Outcomes of the activity

It was a training that built upon previous experience in mentoring and ESC project improvement - we debated a lot about mentoring and participants developed a deeper understanding of the mentoring role, defining at the same time their own path in mentoring and identifying what they still need to develop to become even better mentors.
As the project had 2 training activities linked by a remote-working period - we empowered participants to work in small teams and develop resources, tools or activities related to mentoring and volunteering - that can be shared to other organizations. They focused on topics such as well-being of mentors, emotional problem solving, integration issues for volunteers or dealing with the effects of Corona-virus

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was a full-time trainer and co-designer of the concept (with my colleagues from Germany and Romania), involved both in the preparation of the trainings (topic, design of activities, flow, as well as organizational and administrative preparation) and the evaluation of the training and the entire project. At the same time, during the remote work period, I coached 2 of the teams that were working on specific topics of their choice (from the larger theme of Mentoring), so they could create concrete tools to share with the audience and their colleagues.

I worked on this training for 11 days as a full time trainer.

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