This is a reference for Vesna Radanovic

“In the Balkan the mighty Balkan”

The training activity took place
in Novi Sad, Serbia
organised by Western Balkan Alumni Association
22 - 26 November 2019
Reference person

Nebojša Đerić

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Aims & objectives

Project by name “In the Balkan the mighty Balkan” had main goal to train and educate WBAA members/participants providing them relevant information about Erasmus+ Programme opportunities that are open for all young people in the following three fields:
• Education and training
• Youth
• Sport

This project focused on strengthening the potential of youth (WBAA members) for active participation in civil society, development of their leadership skills, solidarity and understanding among cultures.
Specific objectives of this project were:
- To make a space for WBAA members to meet and to get to know each other
- To promote WBAA organization, values, priorities, structures and activities
- To promote values of European education and European dimension in education
- To promote mobility opportunities in Europe and beyond
- To strengthen the links among formal, informal and non-formal education and learning
- To contribute modernization of education systems in Western Balkan countries
- To inform WBAA members about their possibilities in European Programmes for youth
- To present WBAA members about possibilities in Erasmus+ Programme
- To train and educate WBAA members how to be engaged and actively involved in Erasmus+ Programme
- To support cooperation among participants from Western Balkan countries through networking activities
- To provide concrete knowledge to WBAA members about project proposal writing in different Erasmus+ Programme areas
- To create together EU projects that will be implemented in different Western Balkan countries
- To empower and inspire WBAA members to be more active and to become initiators in achieving their own goals

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

This project had regional focus with participants from all six countries of Western Balkans region.
I choose this type of project because WBAA is a regional organization and open call for participants/(WBAA members) was from following countries:
-Bosnia and Herzegovina
-North Macedonia

Total number of registered participants was 18.

Training methods used & main activities

The working methods used on this training course were non-formal education and informal way of learning. This included: games, energizers, ice-breakers, team building exercises, individual and group outdoor educational activities, work on practical examples in a small groups, thematic workshops, discussions, debates, presentations...

In total three days of training course were focused on practical work of participants on recognition Erasmus+ opportunities for young people in all three fields:
• Education and training
• Youth
• Sport

Outcomes of the activity

Project by name “In the Balkan the mighty Balkan” was focused on WBAA members with my personal wish to educate them and to empower them to actively participate in many possibilities that we do have in Erasmus+ Programme.

Mostly WBAA members are only partly introduced with Erasmus+ students exchange programs.
With this project, I have presented to participants/WBAA members, all other Erasmus+ opportunities in which young people can be more engaged and actively involved.
Erasmus+ Programme is consisting from three main areas/fields that were presented to participants: Education and training, Youth and Sport.
After implementation of this project, WBAA members were became more open minded towards different EU Programmes for young people.
WBAA members have more knowledge about their opportunities and this caused their active participation in EU Programmes for young people.

Project helped participants to be more engaged in WBAA organisation and they will continue be active participating in activities that are supported by WBAA organisation.

Also, as an outcome is 18 well educated/trained WBAA members in writing/creating project proposals for the next WBAA deadline ready to apply.

After this training course, WBAA organisation have 18 WBAA members that are fully engaged in work and promotion of different EU Programmes for young people.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

In this training course I worked as a main trainer from 22 - 26 November 2019, with my colleague from Serbia.

In total two trainers (Nick Djeric and Vesna Radanovic) from Serbia delivered program activities using an interactive and participatory approach methods.

Non-formal and informal methods were applied for this training course, which are designed to improve range of skills and competences, outside formal education of the participants. The activities were designed on David Kolb’s. Activities were separated in morning, afternoon sessions, finishing with reflection groups for the day.

Project by name “In the Balkan the mighty Balkan” was organised by Western Balkan Alumni Association member ( and financially supported by EU Commission (

I worked on this training for 3 days as a full time trainer.

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