This is a reference for Marta Skorczynska

In Search of Authenticity

The training activity took place
in Jaworowy Dom, Poland
organised by
Reference person

Sonia Ruszkowska

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

This project's aim was to provide tools for youth workers, community workers, youth leaders, social activists to prevent professional burnout, at the same time, learning on their own example and going through the process of deep questioning and reflection.
*recognizing the present situation, gaining awareness of structures, narrations, roles, expectations, inside and outside of myself, and deconstructing them;
*identifying my personal core values and attitudes towards the world and people, my authentic motivation;
*becoming aware of my needs and feelings in the present situation, my values, and becoming ready to see and hear them in the others;
*connecting believes and thoughts with body in movement;
*learning more about philosophy and applied drama as tools to dialogue, question, see other perspectives and position own values and needs in each situation.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

This activity involved youth workers from the following countries: Poland, Romania, Italy, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Portugal, Spain, Bulgaria. The trainers and coordinator team was entirely Polish.

Training methods used & main activities

Participants were introduced to applied drama and philosophy as methodologies bringing people closer to their inner core and authentic presence in the world, at the same time reinforcing their curiosity about the world and people, which are important factors in preventing professional burnout. They were invited to explore different philosophical approaches and own attitudes towards youth work/ community work, and to develop critical thinking against radical ideologies, oppressive systems, as well as empathy against violence.

Outcomes of the activity

Participants have gained the awareness of social structures and roles, their own values and the responsibility for them, as well as distance towards their own perceptions, biases, and stereotypical constructions of reality. They have reinforced the curious attitude by practicing critical thinking and asking meaningful questions. Finally they have gained knowledge about applied drama and philosophy as methodologies supporting the process of empowerment, connecting to core values, needs and emotions and discovering authentic motivation.
The training was documented with a video:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was part of the trainers' team, responsible for introducing and facilitating the applied drama activities, as well as designing the program and evaluation of the course.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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