This is a reference for Paul Kloosterman

How Do I Learn Best

The training activity took place
in Amedolea Italy
organised by Pame Ambro
27 Oct - 2 Nov 2011

Aims & objectives

The need to be aware of oneʼs own learning is more then ever relevant since learners are expected nowadays to take responsibility for their own learning; to decide themselves what and how to learn. Being aware of your own learning is a crucial element of the learning to learn competence.
The ʻHow Do I Learn Bestʼ training course wanted to explore all these questions around learning in order to help participants to raise their awareness about their own learning and to improve their competences as facilitators of the learning of others.
The general aim was to motivate and inspire the participants to develop their learning to learn competence.
The specific objectives of the training course are:
- raising awareness of participants about themselves as learner and facilitators of learning - exploration of various ways of approaching learning
- exploring different learning approaches and styles
- helping participants to develop a personal approach to (facilitating) learning

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The group existed out of 18 participants from different educational background coming from 9 different countries.

Training methods used & main activities

The programme was designed in such a way that participants could follow their own needs in what they would like to explore and to find out what ʻlearning bestʼ means for them.
Topics that were offered in the programme are:
* the meaning of learning in 2011
* my biography as a learner
* how to diversify my learning
* facilitation of learning in the framework of lifelong learning
* how to overcome learning obstacles
* identifying you learned something
* documenting learning
* a learning portfolio

Outcomes of the activity

As an outcome participants went home with new ideas and understanding fully motivated to bring these into practice into their daily work.
The course is published on:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the three trainers responsible for the programme.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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