This is a reference for Katerina Chantzi

Green Month

The training activity took place
in Online
organised by Student Union Tallinn University
01/04/2021 - 30/04/2021
Reference person

Hanna Gerta Alamets

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Aims & objectives

The training activity aimed to achieve a comprehensive understanding of sustainability, spanning various dimensions such as Sustainable Development, responsible consumption, waste reduction, and mental well-being. It addressed the need for integrating sustainability practices into university operations and fostering inclusive participation in proposing and discussing ideas for implementation. Additionally, the training emphasized the importance of responsible consumption by advocating for waste reduction, repurposing, and reusing. Moreover, it highlighted the significance of nurturing mental health and recognizing individuals as holistic beings with diverse needs (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual).

Aligned with the organization's goals, the training sought to shed light on sustainability and make it an appealing topic of discussion within the university community. By covering a wide spectrum of sustainability aspects and encouraging inclusive participation, the training activity effectively contributed to the organization's objective of promoting sustainability within the university setting.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The target group of the activity included students, academics, and the wider community of academic and technical staff of Tallinn University, as well as citizens of Tallinn.

The activity involved participants from various nationalities, reflecting its international scope and inclusivity.

The countries represented in the program included Estonia, Greece, Turkey, Germany, Brazil, Nigeria, Russia, the UK, Pakistan, Portugal, Bosnia, India, Bulgaria, Italy, Sweden, Egypt, the Netherlands, and Finland. This diverse representation highlights the international nature of the training activity and the broad range of perspectives and experiences brought to the discussions and activities.

Training methods used & main activities

In this training, a variety of non-formal learning methods were utilized to create an engaging and effective learning environment, mphasizing active participation, peer-to-peer learning, and collaboration. Each session was designed to foster discussion, promote learning through interaction among participants, and encourage collaboration.

The training took a holistic approach to sustainability, addressing environmental, social, and economic dimensions, as well as emotional, physical, and cognitive aspects. This comprehensive approach ensured that participants gained a well-rounded understanding of sustainability and were equipped to address complex challenges effectively.

Furthermore, the sessions were structured to address sustainability at three different levels: individual, group, and institutional, spanning local, national, and international contexts. Theory was seamlessly integrated with action, allowing participants to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world situations. Through hands-on activities and practical exercises, participants were able to translate their learning into meaningful action towards climate action and sustainability.

Throughout the training, participants were encouraged to actively engage in discussions, activities, and group exercises, promoting active participation and a sense of ownership over the learning process. Peer-to-peer learning was also emphasized, allowing participants to share their experiences, perspectives, and insights with one another. This collaborative approach fostered a supportive learning community and encouraged participants to learn from each other's expertise.

Overall, these non-formal learning methods created a dynamic and empowering training experience that equipped participants to become active agents of change in their communities and contribute to a more sustainable future.

Outcomes of the activity

The training activity achieved remarkable results, with 310 registered attendees demonstrating significant interest in the events. Through the extensive visibility generated on social media, reaching a total of 43,427 people, the training had a broad impact beyond the immediate participants.

The Green Month program, inclusive of all relevant information, contacts, videos, and activities, remains accessible online. This ensures that those unable to attend specific dates, as well as anyone interested, can easily access the resources via platforms such as Linktree and YouTube.

The training was unequivocally successful in empowering participants to take action. The positive feedback we received underscores the effectiveness of the training in achieving its objectives, solidifying its success in empowering individuals to embrace and enact sustainable practices.
Furthermore, the training fostered the identification of vital practices for acting sustainably in every day life based on our role (student,lecturer, administrative staff etc), demonstrating a profound understanding of the subject matter among participants. Additionally, it nurtured connections among participants, fostering a supportive community network.

Follow-up assessments revealed sustained engagement among participants, indicating a lasting impact on their behavior and attitudes towards sustainable practices.


Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

As a full-time trainer, my role within the trainers' team was multifaceted and involved various responsibilities. Firstly, I collaborated with the organizers to define the scope and objectives of the training program. This included identifying key themes, learning objectives, and target outcomes.

Additionally, I played a pivotal role in selecting and designing activities that aligned with the training's goals and objectives. This involved curating a diverse range of non-formal learning methods and experiential exercises to facilitate engaging and interactive sessions.

Furthermore, I was responsible for communicating with stakeholders, including participants, experts, and partners, to ensure smooth coordination and execution of the training program. This included managing email communications, providing relevant information, and addressing any inquiries or concerns.

Moreover, I took the lead in managing the budget allocated for the training, ensuring resources were allocated efficiently and effectively to support program delivery and participant engagement.

Throughout the training, I actively engaged with participants, providing support, guidance, and encouragement to foster a positive learning experience. This involved facilitating workshops, leading discussions, and providing feedback to enhance participant learning and engagement.

Additionally, I took on the role of reporting on the training event, documenting key outcomes, participant feedback, and lessons learned for future improvement and evaluation.

Overall, my role as a full-time trainer encompassed leadership, coordination, facilitation, and communication, contributing to the success and effectiveness of the training program.

I worked on this training for 17 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

Katerina organized a comprehensive and excellent training program that was a valuable addition and learning opportunity for all the university members, from students to staff. She created the whole month of activities entirely from scratch and exceeded our expectations. She is a brilliant trainer-teacher; any team will benefit from her contribution!

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