This is a reference for Enrico Elefante

GPACT - Giosef Paguro ACtive participation Training course - strenghten and deepening active participation of disadvantaged social groups

The training activity took place
in Casapesenna, Italy
organised by Giosef Italy
30/10/2016 - 05/11/2016
Reference person

Tommaso D'Amora

(Team Member)
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

Training objective are:
Improvement of knowledge related with civic participation and innovative methodologies facilitating the active participation of disadvantaged social groups.

Development of non-formal education dynamics related to the topic of the training with a specific activity dedicated to the visit of good practices in Paguro and Napoli neighbourhood.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Trainers and educators from Spain, Croatia and Italy.
Evs volounteers, too.

Training methods used & main activities

This training course it has been planned to give to the participants different perspectives on the same topic: civic participation and active citizenship of youth.

The TC was structured in 4 Workshops per day, with different activities for each day, based on non-formal education approach.

The first activities, getting know among participants and the staff of the Paguro, presenting the programme of the course and a kick-off moment with hopes, fears and expectations, are team building oriented, introducing step by step the participants to the topic.

Added to that, we had thematic sessions about “civic participation” and its approaches to different bodies at different levels: From the european institutions to the local communities and the European Structured Dialogue, The Council of Europe Papers on Civic Participation, and the implementation of it e.g. in the local Councils.

Each of these sessions had one specific focus, with the introductions of related tools and skills (e.g. for youthworkers), such as advocacy strategies, the relation with media and so on. During the Interactive and Cooperative session the participant worked in groups developing a proposal focusing on youth needs, especially the ones affecting disadvantaged social groups, and addressed to their own organizations or communities.

The evaluation process it has been taken place during all the duration of the course, with daily reflection times, the individual learning diary and the final analysis that expressed excellent results.

At the end of the activities we build a final workshop that - thanks to the new expertise level acquired by the participants about the topic - it has been a project idea with creative methodology and a statement of the structured dialogue process that will be presented to the decision makers in the follow-up process.

Outcomes of the activity

Collection of new non-formal methodologies and activities, in specific framework and daily personal reporting activity;
Acquiring tools, example of good practice and advocacy processes technics;
Awareness of the various approach of the participation implementation at local level in Europe;
Improvement of abilities for active participation, individual and social involvement in civic life;

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was Project Manager and Trainer.
Alessandra Coppola it has been my Co-Trainer.
Francesco Brocchi Di Liberto it has been in the project as a logistic manager.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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