This is a reference for Kunka Velikova

From a contract to a project

The training activity took place
in Busteni, Romania
organised by Soliddar
24 May - 1 June 2023
Reference person

Eliana Popa

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

The aim of the project:

Provide 25 youth workers from 5 partner organisations with the opportunity to learn how to implement their approved Erasmus+ projects from the project’s approval to the dissemination phase.


1. 25 youth workers will understand their responsibilities in all phases of the Erasmus+ projects: preparation, implementation and dissemination, and will be able to implement at least 5 methods to improve the quality of a project.

2. The 25 participants will develop and improve these 5 crucial soft skills of project managers: leadership, communication, team-work, relationship building and time-management.

3. The 25 participants will become more confident in their ability to be part of the implementation team of an E+ project and they will become more proactive and ready to take on more responsibilities.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The training included 25 participants (youth workers) from 5 countries: Romania, Poland, Italy, Spain and Bulgaria

Training methods used & main activities

Simulations, role-plays, group work, debates, case-studies, brainstorming, World cafe method, team-building methods, ice-breakers etc.

Outcomes of the activity

This training enabled participants to:

-Improve the quality of both local and international projects they organize
-Develop sustainable project planning skills, considering environmental impacts of mobility
-Boost confidence as organizers, leading to increased initiative-taking
-Learn risk prevention and crisis management strategies during project organization
-Enhance efficiency with detailed pre-project to-do lists
-Develop negotiation skills beneficial for engaging new stakeholders and sponsors
-Build and improve relationships, enhancing communication skills crucial for daily work
-Utilize planning and time management techniques for short and long-term activities
-Understand their important role in the community by creating opportunities for young people
-Adapt projects to better meet the needs of young people
-Learn project promotion and visibility enhancement strategies
-Explore non-formal education and lifelong learning concepts for innovative youth workshops
-Use YouthPass to validate learning outcomes and enhance CVs

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of 2 main trainers in this mobility. I took part in the needs' assessment, preparation, implemented half of the sessions and mentored some of the participants who proceeded to write and implement projects after the mobility.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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