This is a reference for Fredrik Wouda

Find your way out

The training activity took place
in Kopparberg, Sweden
organised by Awesome People
18-25 May 2023
Reference person

Karin Wouda

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Aims & objectives

The project aims to engage youth workers in a specific experiential learning tool, empower them with skills of how to use educational escape rooms in youth work and connect youth workers from different countries to learn from each other.

The objectives:
Provide time and space for youth workers to learn about educational escape rooms

Empower youth workers with skills of creating an educational escape room

Create 3-4 escape room prototypes to test in a local event

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The target group of the activity was adult people working with youth in different areas of youth work such as teachers, special pedagogs, youth workers, youth center workers etc. The countries participating was Slovenia, Italy, Germany, Latvia, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Turkey and Netherlands

Training methods used & main activities

Non-formal methods and the use of Awesome Peoples educational escape rooms, World cafe, Culture nights, Energizers, Teambuilding

Link to activity

Outcomes of the activity

The activity's outcome was that all participants learned how to create and use educational escape rooms in their youth work and after the training, they went home and created their own version of a topic with youth.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Creating the training together with trainer and facilitator Karin Wouda. And facilitating the training

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

The training took place and me and Fredrik were the trainers.

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