This is a reference for Silvia Crocitta

EYE - EuroMed Youth Employability

The training activity took place
in Djerba, Tunisia
organised by AVER
30/05/2016 - 05/06/2016

Aims & objectives

The project aimed at youth issues analysis in the Mediterranean region in the field of youth work and creative entrepreneurship, projecting the idea of ​​what does it mean to be an active citizen for the future the Euro-Mediterranean region.
A key point was the desire to attract the attention of institutions to find a way to intervene on the decisions that affect the democratic life of each day for the employment of young people; debates and issues that will face aimed at speaking openly about the initiatives that the European Union plans in this direction, which could serve for youth leaders to cope with problems and what might actually make a change for youth, giving different priorities to the countries involved in the project and their situation there.
Special attention was paid to the analysis of the impact that our initiatives can have on young people, how they may be perceived and what kind of contribution they can make to youth in the EuroMed community through a monitoring phase planned with the project participants. With this field of analysis you want to offer a point of view and for young people, thinking about cooperation and platforms for future youth development ideas work networks in our societies.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The team was composed of 4 participants per 6 countries: Tunisia, Egypt, Morocco, Italy, Romania and Bulgaria; plus 2 EVS girls from Romania and Bulgaria, and a supporter girl from Tunisia. A total amount of 27 participants were on my lead as a trainer.

Some of them (5 out of 27) were not English speakers, which meant for me a job of double-working with French and rarely Arabic (the help of some participants in translation also made the difference).

Training methods used & main activities

The methodology adopted for the development of the training course was based on Non-Formal Education techniques specifically tailored for the project.
Since the proposal was written by me in cooperation with the applicant for the budgetary issues, I promoted a deep analysis of the involved countries which was reflected a lot in the development of the training.
The group started from focus groups and experimental toold for learning based on concrete results coming from their report on countries, for example. They lately developed activties to understand how to work in the youth field in employability building, seeking for new integration methods and embracing some of the EU best practises for employment and entrepreneurial growth.

Outcomes of the activity

From the final evaluation it emegerged that the experimental tools for learning applied on the training course were reaching a 92% rate, which meant a big success for the educational part of the project.
The training achieved to embrace productive sessions in where people were hard-working and cooperating, creating new scenarios for future projects and considering the results tangible and applicable to their realities.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was full time trainer and proposal writer for the EYE project.
I conducted the evaluation online and offline for all the duration of the training. I reporter the narrative part to the EMYP IV responsible for the project to be presented to the Tunisian EuroMed Unit.
I followed-up on launchment of some of young participant to seek job and internships for them in the field of education.

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

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