This is a reference for Annina Kurki

Expert meeting on higher education in youth work

The training activity took place
in Helsinki, Finland
organised by Humak University of Applied Sciences
Reference person

Sari Höylä

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Aims & objectives

The EU-CoE Youth Partnership, the SALTO Training and Cooperation, together with Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture and the National Agencies of Erasmus+ Youth Germany and Finland, Ireland, Serbia, Georgia and Portugal have initiated a Peer Learning Activity (PLA) on Education and Training of Youth Workers.

The aim of the PLA is to develop a shared understanding of quality youth worker education and training between the participating countries, and make a step further into cross-sectoral cooperation, to study country approaches with regard to the formal education and training of youth workers, to examine the competence development of youth workers, and to explore how European and international standards, tools and approaches can be applied in such a context, and to create a network of educators in higher education of youth work.

As part of the implementation of the PLA, Humak University of Applied Sciences organised an Expert meeting on higher education in youth work on 20-23 September 2022 in Helsinki, Finland.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The participants of the expert seminar were representatives of higher education institutions providing or planning higher education in youth work and the government ministries responsible for the development of youth work in the participating country. This countries were involved: FI, EE, IE, DE, HUN, ES, IT, GE, LV, BE, UK, HR.

Training methods used & main activities

Seminar was based on different group discussions, pear learning and sharing of practices and key note presentations.

Outcomes of the activity

It was first meeting and based on discussion and feedback it was successful - hopefully more will follow.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My task was facilitate the seminar days - lead discussions, follow the timetable and take care Wellbeing of the participants.

I worked on this training for 3 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

Annina Kurki did great job among the academic people from different countries, different HEIs: working with the rare target audience went smoothly.

I highly recommend her for facilitator positions for working with different target groups, too.

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