This is a reference for António Gomes


The training activity took place
in Beja
organised by Associação Check-IN
9th-15th November 2013

Aims & objectives

To provide an environment for creation of partnerships related to the topic of E.V.S.
This training was in accordance to the needs of several organizations that work with EVS and wanted to establish stronger partnerships, raise their knowledge about this topic and create common projects.
In the end, 3 big projects were created and become ready to be applied in the new Erasmus + programme.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

There were 13 countries participating: Portugal, Italy, Hungary, Croatia, Turkey, France, Bulgaria, Estonia, Czech Republic, Spain, Romania, Greece, Cyprus, with a total of 26 participants. All participants were people with experience in international projects inside Youth in Action programme and directly involved in their organizations.
The work team was composed by 2 Portuguese trainers, 1 Italian and 1 support staff from Czech Republic.

Training methods used & main activities

Most of the training was made with non-formal tools of education, like energizers, team building activities, learning by doing, etc...
One big activity that was a success among participants was the World Café, where participants debate on different topics about the rights and duties of Sending Organizations, Hosting Organizations, Coordinating Organizations and the volunteer.

Outcomes of the activity

The outcomes were a success measured by the evaluations of the participants, the number of projects presented (even that 3 were selected in the end to go forward), and with the communication that still happens within the participants group.
Even being in Portuguese, we have a report and interview made by a local newspaper, in the open day that we did during the project, to promote these events and EVS among the local community:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

My role in TC EVS4ALL was to coordinate the pool of intercultural trainers, organize the TC logistics and coordinate the local conference with local entities and the local community about the project. I was also a Trainer/facilitator in some sessions in the TC, especially about European Volunteer Service, YouthPass, reflection groups and evaluation sessions.
I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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