This is a reference for Rosario Rossi

Evs included seminar- Making Evs better

The training activity took place
in Tbilisi, Georgia
organised by Austrian National Agency together with Salto EECA and Salto Inclusion
11-17 November 2013
Reference person

Tomasz Szopa

(Organiser and member of the team)
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

To evaluate and discuss upon:
• The YiA programme (what has been done, success & failures, SALTO EECA and SALTO Inclusions' role)
• Cooperation on EVS inclusion projects with and in the EECA region (strong and weak points of the cooperation)
• To provide space for sharing experience and good practices on inclusion and EVS
• How far did we get in our inclusion efforts and how to take it further?
• To introduce new programme and discuses its challenges
• To visit some inspirational & innovative projects
• To build some new partnerships between organisations from programme and EECA countries and share ideas about future, inclusive EVS projects

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

22 Representatives of the EVS accredited organisations (hosting and sending, mentors, supervisors, coordinators) coming from 13 different programme and EECA countries.

Team composition :
Anna Yeghoyan, Armenia
Rosario Rossi, Italy
Marija Kljajic, Salto Inclusion
Tomasz Szopa, Salto EECA

Training methods used & main activities

Third East-West Inclusion project was an experimental concept and mix of evaluation seminar, a study visit and partnership building elements, targeting experienced EVS organisation.

The participants looked into the past, seven years of the YiA programme, specifically at the developments of the inclusive EVS projects, done in the cooperation with the EECA region. They also looked into the future: share ideas about the inclusion, EVS possibilities and stronger cooperation in the new programme Erasmus +.

Outcomes of the activity

Participants shared different understanding and practices of Inclusion and Evs with East-West co-operation, they learned about new opportunities and co-operation frame offered by Erasmus +.
The seminar was also a great opportunity for participants to discover the reality of inclusion Evs projects in Georgia thanks to the study visit element and at the same time the visits were an opportunity to compare the project visisted with participants daily work in their Evs organisations.
At the end of the seminar more than 30 different co-operation ideas were shared especially in the field of Evs. Participants worked on the development of new projects to be submitted under new Erasmus + Youth in Action .

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the 2 facilitators of the seminar.

I worked on this training for 5 days as a full time trainer.

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