This is a reference for Simon Schmid

EuroPeers Annual Network Meeting 2022

The training activity took place
in Gdańsk, Poland
organised by Polish National Agency of Erasmus + and European Solidarity Corps Programme (National Agency)
22-25 September 2022
Reference person

Magda Szykor

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

- Broadening national approaches and extending existing network
- Sharing good practices and challenges of different national networks of EuroPeers
- Learning about the latest updates from the EU-Youth Programmes and how they can support the development of the Network
- Exploring competences that can support a EuroPeer
- Planning of (international) EuroPeers Actions
- Networking between EuroPeers, National Agencies and other players

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The EuroPeers Annual Network Meeting 2022 in Gdańsk, Poland, was an international assembly comprising EuroPeers and National Agency Representatives from across Europe, including Austria, Belgium DE, Belgium FL, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Latvia, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, and Romania. This seminar focused on fostering solidarity and synergy among young individuals who have participated in the Erasmus+/Youth In Action or European Solidarity Corps Programme. It aimed to broaden national approaches, extend the existing network, and share practices across different national networks of EuroPeers.

Training methods used & main activities

The seminar employed a variety of non-formal learning methods designed to facilitate exchange, inspire innovation, and enhance networking. Methods included workshops, interactive sessions, and discussions aimed at evaluating and planning improvements for the EuroPeers project. These methods encouraged active participation and allowed attendees to share good practices, challenges, and updates related to the EU-Youth Programmes. The focus was on developing competences supportive of EuroPeers and planning international actions.

Outcomes of the activity

The outcomes of the EuroPeers Annual Network Meeting 2022 were significant in strengthening the EuroPeers network, fostering solidarity among youth in Europe, and encouraging the exchange of best practices among national networks. The event successfully facilitated networking opportunities with National Agencies and other stakeholders, leading to the development of synergies and new project ideas aligned with the European Solidarity Corps and Erasmus+ Programme goals. Additionally, the meeting provided a platform for evaluating the long-term project of EuroPeers and planning necessary improvements, ensuring the network's continued growth and impact.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Responsible for program design and facilitation of the
training together with another junior trainer and two senior trainers. In the management and
planning of the sessions, there was no large distinction between the responsibilities of senior and
junior trainers.

I worked on this training for 2,5 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

I confirm that Simon Schmid was a Junior Trainer during EuroPeers Annual Network Meeting 2022 in Gdańsk, Poland.

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