This is a reference for Laura Casaiz

European Fellowship on Youth Training & Education powered by Digital (EFYTED) Bootcamp

The training activity took place
in Benalmádena, Málaga, Spain
organised by GEYC
15-23 November 2023
Reference person

Joanna Mielcarek

(Organiser, facilitator)
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

This bootcamp aimed to equip youth workers with training and facilitation competences, raising the quality of their work.

O1: raising competences among youth workers on how to plan, implement and assess the learning process for youth, using non-formal education methodology
O2: increasing the know-how of youth workers on online and offline tools of engaging youth in non-formal education programs
O3: sharing good practices at European and international level on training and facilitation, in order to increase the quality of their work
O4: fostering collaboration and partnerships at European and international level, between NGOs and youth workers, by building a pool of trainers

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The group included 24 youth workers from 8 EU countries - Romania, Greece, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Bulgaria, Poland and Slovakia.

Training methods used & main activities

Fоllоwing a nоn-fоrmal educatiоn apprоach, the activities were based оn methods that promote active participation from the group, such as debates and discussions, world cafes, thematic workshops for digital and creative techniques, experiential learning, performance and practical outputs.

Outcomes of the activity

Through non-formal education, the youth workers gained positive skills, competences and relevant experience, about how to facilitate youth initiatives and polish their skills to raise the quality of the job done.
The networking component was crucial as well, allowing the actual youth workers to connect with other organizations, workers and enriching the points of view with techniques used by their colleagues.

This blended mobility is the first stage, being the second one an an online training course on February 2024, attended by 30+ youth workers from 8 countries

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the trainers, delivering activities, workshops and team dynamics to the group, as well as energizers and icebreakers to ensure a safe and comfortable space. The type of activities delivered were about improving the creativity in adults and raise the visual skills of the participants through a series of practical workshops.

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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