This is a reference for Antonio Aspromonte

European Bridge for Youth Activity

The training activity took place
in Smolyan, BULGARIA
organised by Association "I can"
20-29 /8/2015

Aims & objectives

-definition of citizenship and EU citizenship;
-citizenship use and tools;
- promotion of correct use of new media;
- dissemination of tools about new technologies issues;
- citizenship and new media, how to combine them;
- preparation of a social campaign about citizenship.
The main objectives are:
- to create or develop new communication channels and platforms (such as: Facebook, Youtube, Twitter), where use citizenship tools;
- to raise awareness on the social issues relevant to the work of participants among them and their target groups;
- to stimulate the sense of entrepreneurship and responsibility for their work among participants;
- to create a link between professional business and social work by showing that skills relevant to work and career can be used and developed also in youth work, making the said person more attractive on a labour market.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

32 youth workers from Romania and Bulgaria

Training methods used & main activities

For the achievement of the learning objectives a variety
of interactive working methods such as workshops, role-plays, outdoor activities and plenary discussions were
used, according to the specific learning needs of the participants and their organizations, in order to cover all
aspects of the project themes.

Outcomes of the activity

- developed understanding about the concept of European Citizenship, indepth discussions

- empowered youngsters, especially those with fewer opportunities to act as multipliers in the fields of European Citizenship and youth participation in their local communities – new project and initiatives prepared

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Trainer full time , we wrote with the Bulgarian association the project, from the beginning of the idea until developing and play all the activities and workshops.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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