This is a reference for Diana Kovačić

Eurodesk Baltic training

The training activity took place
in Riga, Latvia
organised by Agency for International Youth Programs of Latvia
10.04 – 13.04.2023
Reference person

Viesturs Bērziņš

(Eurodesk national coordinator at Agency for International Youth Programs of Latvia (organiser))
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

Training was designed according to the needs of the contractor (national agencies from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) in order to provide the Baltic Eurodesk network with networking opportunities and the chance to learn from the experience of other multipliers. Also, it aimed to develop the multipliers’ understanding of how the network operates internationally as well as to introduce the ‘Eurodesk competence framework’ to multipliers, all with the purpose of raising participants competences to deliver activities and services to their targeted groups.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The training was attended by 15 participants in total consisted of 13 multipliers (youth information workers and specialists) coming from Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as well as 2 national coordinators from Latvian and Estonian national agencies.
Profiles of multipliers were quite diverse based on age and experience in Eurodesk, contributing to productivity, atmosphere, dynamic and high level of exchange of good practices.

Training methods used & main activities

Thanks to a non-formal work methodology, alternating presentations with teamwork, brainstorming sessions, world cafe, team quests, treasure hunt, gamification, study visit the participants were able to gain greater awareness of how the network works and the benefits of being part of Eurodesk, as well as recognising the skills and competencies that define a multiplier.

Outcomes of the activity

Thanks to the spaces offered to share good practices, discover new tools and create new synergies for future projects, participants have established ties with other organisations from the Baltic states, have developed their understanding of how the network operates on an international spectrum as well as gained knowledge about the ‘Eurodesk competence framework’. By supporting them to draft an innovative inclusive and "green" activities, participants improved their competences as ED mobility advisors able to tailor activities and services according to their beneficiaries needs.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Training design and general facilitator (co-facilitation) based on the needs of the contractor, preparation of working materials and reporting.

I worked on this training for 3 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

Diana was a wonderful trainer, very easy to work with. Not only did she demonstrate her vast experience working with youth during the training, she frequently attempted to help Baltic multipliers taking part of the training by using real life examples and tips. Diana was open to working with the complicated Latvian bureaucracy (Latvian NA were the hosting organization). In the end, everything went extremely well, the trainers worked together for the first time, but they both were so experienced, that it seemed like they have worked together for years. Definitely can and will recommend Diana Kovacic!

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