This is a reference for Virginia Hernández

ESC, What's else?

The training activity took place
in Alhama de Granada, Spain
organised by Fundación Diversos
25 of August- 1 of September 2019
Reference person

Ismael Sánchez del Castillo

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Aims & objectives

The main aim of this seminar was to promote and raise awareness, in both hosting and sending organizations, of young people in social exclusion risk, less opportunities or special needs potential as volunteers, especially within European Solidarity Corps program.
The objectives of this project were:
1. To deepen in the ESC inclusion opportunities.
2. To raise awareness in hosting organizations about the opportunities of include young people with special needs or in social exclusion risk and the social changes that it brings.
3. To promote inclusion of young people with less opportunities through the youth participation and ESC program.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

21 participants, from 11 different partner organisations, from Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Morocco, TUrkey and Spain.
The particpants were active workers in their organisations withing ESC programme, interested on developing partnerships in order to involve young people in social exclusion risk or/and with diversabilities in European Solidarity Corps programme.

Training methods used & main activities

The activity programme included games to get to know each other (human bingo), groups dynamics , team building activities (Building a tower), experiential learning activities (using the space like a boat that must be balanced with people moving around), Youthpass trivial (teams answering different questions to facilitate the understanding of Youthpass competences), opportunity groups (different tasks for participants: cleaning the room, organizing free time, energizers, dissemination...), volunteer profile (small groups to desing the different skills, attitudes and knowledge of the volunteer), sessions facilitated by those with diversabilities in order to create a better understanding of the concept, a live library (different participants sharing personal experiences), Take a step forward, a simulation (small groups of participants working in the different stages of ESC processes: from writing applications to selection and preparation of volunteers), and open space to share good practices in inclusion of volunteers with diverse abilities and/or in social exclusion risk...

Outcomes of the activity

Participants got a better understanding of inclusion and created a network to collaborate in sending and hosting volunteers with diverse abilities and/or in social exclusion risk. The partner organisations created partnerships to promote the inclusion in their activities

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Full time trainer during the different stages of the activity: preparation of the programme taking in consideration the profile of participants and their individual needs; implementation of the programme, evaluation and final report in collaboration with the second trainer and project manager

I worked on this training for 6 days as a full time trainer.

Testimonial of the reference person

This training was really Great!!

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