This is a reference for Nebojsa Nick Djeric

Energy efficient baled straw ecological house

The training activity took place
in Sabac, Serbia
organised by European Centre for Ecology
15 - 22 July 2017
Reference person

Vesna Radanovic

(Co - trainer)
If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

The type of project: Erasmus+ KA2 Capacity building in the field of Youth (Western Balkan Youth Window)

The main aim of this long-term Erasmus+ project by name "Energy efficient baled straw ecological house" was acquiring knowledge and skills to participants about using ecological materials in construction and architecture, about energy efficiency and cheaper construction and decreasing amount of organic waste in nature.

In this long-term project we were teach participants that are working with young people between age of 15 and 30 how to use almost forgotten methods of building energy efficient houses. We have prepared them for new possibilities of creative self employment through starting their own business.

During this long-term project young people learned to use natural, ecological, health harmless materials in creative way and acquire knowledge for easier self employment. There were also included young people with disabilities.

Through this project, participants are able to transfer their energy efficiency knowledge to their peers and to encourage use of this method of construction through their professional careers. Knowledge acquired through this long-term project participants used to build ecological house which will be active in local community for education of young people in ecology, energy efficiency and healthy way of life and will be basis for construction of ecological village with renewable energy sources and organic breeding food.

Objectives were: - to stimulate unemployed young people's mobility and active participation in local society, - to promote the access of unemployed young people to Erasmus + program,
- to raise young people's awareness about energy efficiency, - to encourage the development of "green" skills and behaviors among participants and their commitment to a more sustainable growth, - promotion of way of active social participation, and a way to acquire knowledge and skills useful for persons' professional development, - - to create participant multipliers who will implement the knowledge and skills acquired during this long-term project in their local communities,
- to increase the capacity of the organisations that are working on protecting natural environment.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Target group on our training course were 24 young people actively involved in work with unemployed youth (youth workers, youth leaders, play workers, NGO activists, school teachers, peer educators, social workers and NGO volunteers).

In all the three activities our participants are coming from Serbia, Albania, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Macedonia, Romania and Turkey.
The working language of this long term Erasmus + Programme project is English.

Training methods used & main activities

The working methods used on this training course were non-formal education and informal way of learning. This included: games, energizers, ice-breakers, team building exercises, individual and group outdoor educational activities, work on practical examples in a small groups, thematic workshops, discussions, debates, presentations...

In total four days of training course was focused on practical work of participants using natural/ecological friendly materials in building energy efficient baled straw ecological house.

Outcomes of the activity

With Activity 1 (Contact Making Event) we wanted to achieve aim of providing participants knowledge about environmentally friendly materials used in construction and exchange of EU experience based energy efficiency.

With Activity 2 (Training Course) we wanted to achieve aim of providing participants knowledge about methods of constructing baled straw house.

With activity 3 (Evaluation Meeting) we will evaluate Activity 1 and 2 with aim of checking this long-term project impact/results.

In this long-term project we were teaching participants that are working with young people between age of 15 and 30 how to use almost forgotten methods of building energy efficient houses. We have prepared them for new possibilities of creative self employment through starting their own ecological business.

During this long-term project young people learned to use natural, ecological, health harmless materials in creative way and acquire knowledge for easier self employment.
In this project were also included young people with disabilities that were helping us in practical work on building energy efficient baled straw ecological house.

Through this project, participants were able to transfer their energy efficiency knowledge to their peers and encouraged to use this method of construction through their professional careers. Knowledge acquired through this long-term project participants used to build ecological house which will be active in local community for education of young people in ecology, energy efficiency and healthy way of life and will be basis for construction of ecological village with renewable energy sources and organic breeding food.

Short video about training course on:

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

In this training course I worked as a trainer from 15 - 22 of July 2017, with my colleagues from Serbia.

In total two trainers (Nick Djeric and Vesna Radanovic) and one expert for ecological building (Vuk Krstic) from Serbia delivered program activities using an interactive and participatory approach methods.

Non-formal and informal methods were applied for this training course, which are designed to improve range of skills and competences, outside formal education of the participants. The activities were designed on David Kolb’s. Activities were separated in morning, afternoon sessions, finishing with reflection groups for the day.

Training Course “ENERGY EFFICIENT BALED STRAW ECOLOGICAL HOUSE” was supported by European Commission and Erasmus + programme and organized by NGO European Centre for Ecology from Sabac, Serbia (

I worked on this training for 8 days as a full time trainer.

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