This is a reference for Richard Kotrč

Employees Get Ready!

The training activity took place
in Alsótold, Hungary
organised by ReCreativity Nonprofit Kft.
03 July - 12 July 2022
Reference person

Barbara Földi

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

1. Learning to learn: we intended to create a learning process that is sustainable with a long-term impact on participants and their environment as well. Participants experienced different ways of learning and could find out which one is working the best for them and what they need to work on more, in order to be successful in their future work. Each day of the training course we gave space for reflection which was guided by experienced trainers and encouraged self-regulated learning.

2. Developing skills related to Employability: Participants got a lot of practical information on methods and tools that they can use in their professional lives. We provided space for which they could exchange best practices with each other, and develop some personal skills that could help them in their future work as youth workers, as well as in their personal lives. They had an opportunity to try out in practical situations what difficulties young people face while looking for jobs and trying to find their place in the labour market. We did an interview simulation process where everyone picked up job offers they like, and professionals/experts joined the training course for a half day so that participants could practice having interviews with them. The invited experts gave feedback and support to participants pointing out what was good and what could be improved. They had a criteria list of what to watch (voice pitch, outfit, communication style, self-confidence, etc.).

3. Cooperating successfully in teams: Participants lived together in one place during the training course which could help them practice how to make compromises and communicate in an effective way in an intercultural environment. Participants found themselves in a new environment with people from different cultures and backgrounds. We included activities where they had to work in teams with keeping the criteria of maximum diversity.

3. Communication skills: during the activity participants worked in mixed groups for most of the time and had to work as a whole group as well. They also got the chance to communicate with art and design, video and dance, they were able to express themselves in many different ways and introduce different insights.

4. Designing educational programmes: Participants had the chance to create new workshops and activities that they could use in their future work with young people to support them in employment. They also got the chance to test these activities when holding the workshops for the rest of the participants. During this session, participants had the chance to use their previous knowledge and their newly acquired skills and competencies. We encouraged them to step out of their comfort zones and to think in a different way. They also received feedback from the trainers, experts and their colleagues.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Participants were youth workers, trainers and NGO members from Portugal, Greece, Italy, Spain, Poland and Hungary.

Training methods used & main activities

The main method we used was creative recycling which is a method based on creativity, cooperation and crafting. Other non-formal educational methods we used were learning to learn, learning by doing, reflection groups, living library and others.

Outcomes of the activity

Participants had a chance to discover themselves more. Through various activities, they could reflect on their preferred learning style, role in a team or what motivates them. Participants are now better prepared for the labour market. Furthermore, they learnt new innovative methods that they can use with their target groups and help them navigate them in finding their jobs or creating their own businesses.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

Junior Trainer - preparation of learning materials, facilitation of workshops and team meetings, guiding daily evaluation groups.

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

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