This is a reference for Grigor Yeritsyan

EaP countries on the way to EU integration

The training activity took place
in Brno, Czech Republic
organised by AEGEE-Brno
14-20th, April 2013

Aims & objectives

Project focused on the impact evaluation of the on-going Eastern Partnership programme which was first initiated by the European Commission 4 years ago. The seminar aimed
- to bring young people from all the EaP countries and the EU member states and sum up the outcomes of the Eastern Partnership programme. - to discuss what further steps should be made to ensure the effectiveness of the programme and draw a list of proposals for the EU institution and the EaP states.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

Young people aged between 18-30 from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Spain, Germany, Italy and Greece.

Training methods used & main activities

International team of trainers used mix of non formal and formal learning methodology. Participants were involved in group works, presentation, team building games as well as lectures, workshops, etc.

Outcomes of the activity

- Raising awareness about EaP-EU Cooperation
Prioritizing cross border cooperation (EU-EAP)
- Informing young people about limited opportunities and rights of young people in the EaP countries
- EU-EaP cooperation and the possibilities for integration it brings
- History of conflicts and conflict resolution in the EaP countries
- The role of the EU in conflict resolution in the EaP region
- Fostering youth cooperation and networking with NGOs working in the field both in the EU and in countries of the EaP programme
- Developing future partnership initiatives

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the 4 trainers of two. We built the program in close cooperation with local organizers as well as organised the workshops. I mainly managed the workshops on group dynamics, team building and led sessions on Human Rights in EaP countries (with a focus on Gender Issues and LGBT Rights), Project Management, Youth in Action Programme, etc.

I worked on this training for 7 days as a full time trainer.

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