This is a reference for Marie Svobodová

Digital Youth

The training activity took place
in Yerevan, Armenia
organised by TOM Dumánci
14. - 23. 5. 2021
Reference person

Lukáš Dumský

If you want to contact reference persons, you have to be signed in.

Aims & objectives

1. Exploring the concept of audiovisual technology as a powerful NFL tool to promote positive social changes in society.
2. Identifying a set of competences to be developed in young people in order to promote greater appreciation of diversity and promote inclusion in society.
3. Improving the digital skills of youth workers for them to be able to make audiovisual technology a part of their work
4. Training skills of participants on working with young people, using non-formal learning approach and developing their opinions about the world, spreading intercultural tolerance and motivating them to fight against xenophobia and discrimination
5. Creating “movies with messages” that can be shared with people all over the world and promote positive social change.
6. Transferring the learning outcomes of the training to young people by implementing at least 2 follow-up activities (by using 2 activities) with local youngsters in each participating country and by promoting the manual developed during the training among youth work practicioners
7. Creating ides for new projects with similar topics and spreading the values of tolerance and active citizenship far beyond the borders of this one project.

During the training activity, the participants improved their digital skills through a number of practical workshops, they lead intercultural dialogue with people from other countries and then they connected these two areas in a process of creating movies. As a result of the project, the participants (in international teams) created short movies addressing intercultural learning/diversity/etc.

Target group & international/intercultural composition of the group & team

The organization team was intercultural - the hosting team was Armenian, the organisation team was Czech and one of the trainers was Italian.
The group of participants consisted of youth workers from the Czech Republic, Armenia, Ukraine, Poland and Italy.

Training methods used & main activities

We used a broad variety of methods throughout the training:
- workshops (practical ones developing the skills of the participants to use a camera, post-production software, etc.)
- games and simulation exercises to promote intercultural dialogue
- discussions and debates to go deeper into the topics of cultural identity, discrimination, diversity, etc.
- reflection sessions
- creative workshops helping the participants to develop their movie plot, script, etc.
- acting workshop and drama exercises
- teambuilding and group dynamics exercises
- evaluation session and planning the dissemination
- workshops prepared by the participants

Outcomes of the activity

The main outcomes of the training were the short movies created by the participants, which you can see here:
The participants acquired many new skills in working with digital technology, creating audiovisual content and also intercultural competences. They learned to value diversity and to work in an international team.
The participants planned concrete ways of using their newly developed skills in their work as youth workers.

Your tasks and responsibilities within the team

I was one of the facilitators, my specific responsibility was to carry out the activities focusing on intercultural dialogue and diversity.
I was also the coordinator of the programme, making sure it was going according to plan, preparing the schedule of the activities.
Moreover, I was the project manager and with my colleague, I managed the project since writing the project application to final evaluation.

I worked on this training for 9 days as a full time trainer.

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