TOY - Trainers Online for Youth
This is a reference for Maria Zygomani
This project offered an opportunity to participants, who mainly were youth workers, to gain
competences and tools in order to train and motivate the young people they are working with to
develop entrepreneurial competences and undertake entrepreneurial initiatives in the future.
Many of the members of the organization-partners in this project have
participated in different workshops or training courses about social entrepreneurship, but we have
concluded that a lot is still needed to be done. We gathered people (youth workers, youth
leaders, young people with entrepreneurial spirit) to work on this topic. We matched people with
the same interest and work together on a concrete international platform where in future will be
provided a space of knowledge library tools and practices but also opportunities for learning and
collaboration, within the dimensions of social entrepreneurship.
The objectives related to the aim of the project were:
· to get acquainted with a deep understanding of social economy and social entrepreneurship;
· to discover or understand better the social and environmental problems in their countries and/or
local communities and to get to know the situation in other countries;
· to explore practices (and extract learning) of successful and unsuccessful social businesses;
· to increase entrepreneurial competences through on the spot practising;
· to gain knowledge of tools that are necessary within social business development;
· to initiate the process of creating social ventures through generating, developing, writing, presenting
and implementing concepts, project ideas and business plans;
· to introduce participants to the new funding opportunities offered by the E+ programme under
„Strategic Partnerships” projects;
· to share national resources and inform about European and global ones (entrepreneurship
education and learning, access to different types of funding, partnerships, networks etc.) useful for
social enterprises creation and their sustainability;
The project is in line with the priorities and objectives of the Erasmus + Youth Programme and in
specific with issues that are tackled such as youth unemployment and the participation of young
people that in the case of social businesses is a participation that covers the two dimensions of
economic and civic participation.
The DEAL II consists of two training events:
The first training will last 7 days (+2 travel days) 29 June – 5 July 2019, with 31 participants (+2 trainers) from the partner countries (Ireland, Greece, Croatia, Cyprus, The Republic of North Macedonia, Malta, Portugal, Serbia, Spain). Each country will be represented with 4 participants. The venue will be in Tipperary, Ireland.
The second training will last 8 days (+2 travel days) 24 August - 31 August 2019, with 31 participants (+2 trainers) from the partner countries (Ireland, Greece, Croatia, Cyprus, The Republic of North Macedonia, Malta, Portugal, Serbia, Spain). Each country will be represented with 4 participants. The venue will be in Florina, Greece.
Youth workers, youth
leaders, young people with entrepreneurial spirit from Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Serbia, Croatia, Cyprus Malta & The Republic of North Macedonia.
Non formal education methods
Team building activities
Interactive workshops
Round tables
Participants will increase their knowledge on Social Entrepreneurship, their capacity to make market analysis, to develop their marketing skills and to elaborate their ideas in a business plan
Co Trainer